Chapter 47

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       Why did I have to go to that stupid concert? Why couldn't I have just waited a few months 'til Jonah was in England and not gotten kidnapped; I just wanted an autograph! Cindy wondered. She had woken up a few minutes ago in a dark room. There was black padding and a one way mirror one the walls and a bed on the far side with a table in the middle. She was petrified, terrified, so she curled up in a ball and cried. For all she knew she will get sold to a different country as a slave and never see her friends or family again. She had tried to be strong and not let anything scare her but that lasted for about 30 seconds before she decided it wouldn't be too bad if she silently cried. She didn't know how long she was out, but it must have been a while because she was starving and had to use the bathroom.

       The door on the other side of the room from the small cot Cindy was on opened. A boy that looked about her age with seemingly light brown hair and dark green eyes with a small scar on his right eye. She was just staring at him; she knew that she knew him from somewhere, but where, she didn't know. Maybe he used to go to her school or something.... She then noticed the plate of food he was holding.

       "Welcome to Attelboro, Massachusetts. Do you need to use the bathroom before we start the interrogation. There was a bit of confusion with the amount of sleeping serum we gave you and you've been out for 26 hours 7 minutes annnnnnddd," he paused to check his watch, "10 seconds...ish" Cindy's jaw dropped and she stayed in shock of just how un-real this is. She then remembered his question.

       "Um... you mentioned a restroom?" She asked as politely as possible. The boy raised an eyebrow before he nodded and motioned for her to follow him.

       They walked down a long hallway with doors about every ten to fifteen feet on both sides. At the end of the hallway they turned left and there was a door on the right that had 'To main floor' written in black print. On the left there was a water fountain and another door with 'Bathroom' printed in the same black script.

       Cindy did her business as fast as she could and washed her hands before leaving the bathroom to only be led back to the room she woke up in. She sat at the table that the food the boy had carried here and took the platter and placed it in front of her after he gave her a nod that it was okay. She took the cover off the plate and saw a slice of lasagna and some shells with what looked like some cheese sauce spread on top. It looked and smelled delicious. There was a glass of milk and some utensils along with napkin on the tray. She picked up the fork and tried some of the pasta cautiously before moaning at how good it was. They must have a professional chef here or something! She thought.

       "You missed out on Italian night so I brought some down. Nellie is good at cooking just about anything but Italian and Mexican is her definite strong point." The boy spoke for the second time all night. "If you think that's good, you have to try the chicken wild rice, though." She raised her eyebrows in confusion. He was acting like everything was normal... like she wasn't just kidnapped. Seeing the boy gave her a little hope that she would get out sooner than later.

       "Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" He seemed to ponder her question before nodding his head and moved from his position of leaning against the wall to sitting on the other side of the table.

       "Ask away." He looked at her expectantly and she decided to start with the basics.

       "What's your name?"


       "Why am I here?"

       "Classified until we can prove your identity and alibi." Wait, what?

       "What? What does that mean?" She voiced her thoughts.

       "It doesn't take a genius to know that I'm not a normal eleven year old."

       "Why? What's so different?"

       "Very, very long story that we don't have time to go through. How about I ask you some questions?" He didn't wait for her reply as he asked his first question. "What's your name. Full name."

       "Cindy C. Calaway."

       "C? Like an initial or like 'see'?"


       "What does it stand for?"

       "Calil or something like that. I haven't used my middle name in forever... don't really remember...."

       "How old are you?"

       "12, 13 in two weeks."

       "Where from?"


       "Why were you at the concert?"

       "Like I said, my birthday is coming up so I wanted to go for a birthday present. I wanted to get an autograph and I knew I wasn't going to get one if I waited in that long line, so I slipped around to the back, knowing that was where the artists always leave. I've been to quite a few of Jonah's concerts." She was surprised she actually got that all out without having to breath. She just was so done with this and wanted to finish her food.

       "Alright." He pulled out a small phone type device out of his pocket and set it on the table in front of her. "If you need anything, you press the button. Someone will come down and get you whatever you need, within reason. No calling for something rediculous. It really is tiring and if you want to get on someone's nerves, that's the way to do it." She nodded and he stood up and left. She swear she heard him mutter 'eight down, eleven to go' under his breath before he closed the door, but she disregarded it and ate her meal.

       Yay! Update! Once again, Unknown_Jemi_39Clues 's character at work. Comment. Vote. Keep on readin'!!!

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