The Avatar

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The few months following the incident in the mountains were filled with constant training.

The Southern Water Tribe chose not to address the situation, and I had been hearing rumours about more dark spirits being spotted in Southern waters.

"Y/N, I think you should take a day off."

I kept my eyes on the troops who were sparring in pairs but sighed at my husband's suggestion, "no can do, General. With a civil war taking place in the South Pole, it's only a matter of time before we're called to intervene."

I felt his hand make it's way up and down my back, "you know I'm proud of you, but you're overworking yourself- I can handle the troops for today, just- take a break."

I stepped away from his touch and exhaled, "again, I appreciate the offer but with the situation in the South Pole growing tenser, I can't afford a day off."

Before he could respond, one of the soldiers approached him, "General, sir, Avatar Korra is on the line, she'd like to know if the two of you  are able to meet with her this afternoon."

He nodded, "of course, tell her to stop by whenever she wants."

Later on, the troops had already finished their daily training drills when the avatar arrived at the harbour.

I followed Iroh to greet her.

"Thank you for seeing me General Iroh, Commander Y/N."

He smiled, "what can we do?"

"The South needs military support before Unalaq wipes them out completely, but the president is refusing to give the order. So I decided to come to you directly."

Iroh and I exchanged glances before he placed his hand on his chin, "I see. Well, suppose we were to take the fleet south on some routine training manoeuvres, and let's say we were to accidentally run into a hostile northern blockade. We'd have no choice but to defend ourselves, wouldn't we?"

I felt myself smile as the avatar's face lit up, "I guess you wouldn't, thank you!"

Before either of us could respond, we were interrupted by President Raiko, "swapping old war stories?"

Iroh and I both saluted, "Mr President."

"I hope you're not planning to take any military action without an order from your commander-in-chief."

"Of course not, sir."

"Good. Because if a single vessel leaves this harbour without my say-so, you'll be court-martialed. Am I clear?"

"Crystal, sir."

He turned to the avatar, whilst I still stood silently behind Iroh.

"Your activities here are bordering on insurrection. The avatar does not command the military of the republic, don't go behind my back again- as you were, General Iroh, Commander Y/N."

As the president's body guards shut the door behind him, Avatar Korra turned to us, livid, "I hate that guy!"

Iroh sighed, "I'm sorry, our hands are officially tied."

"I understand. Thanks, anyway."

"But, you should talk to the Fire Lord. My mother and grandfather have always been good friends with the avatar and the Southern Water Tribe. I'm sure they'll be willing to help."

I chimed in, "and even of they aren't, speak with Princess Ursa- she'll definitely sort everything out for you!"

She weakly smiled at us, "Thank you, General. Commander."

I sat with my feet dangling over the side of the ship as the sun set over the horizon as Iroh sat down beside me, "so, now we know that we won't be called to the South Pole, will you finally take a day off?"

I sighed, "I hate taking time off, I feel useless."

He placed his hand over mine, gently rubbing his thumb up and down my own, and humming, "perhaps we could book some time off together? We never got to travel the world together like we used to speak about when we were kids."

I leaned my head onto his shoulder, taking a deep breath, "travel the world while the Water Tribes are in the middle of a civil war?"

I felt him shake his head, "you saw the avatar, I'm sure the conflict in the Water Tribes will come to an end soon; then, you can relax and we can go somewhere together- just the two of us."

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