The Ending

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The day I told Iroh that we were expecting a baby was one of the rare times I saw him cry, it was in one of those beautiful ways where he was grinning ear to ear and laughing as he told me that he loved me over and over.

I worked for a couple of months before I finally caved and took some time off work, but as soon as I did, there was a worldwide crisis that broke out when the Red Lotus returned, assassinating the Earth Queen and threatening the avatar.

Fire Lord Izumi was put under high surveillance, with even Lord Zuko protecting her when we realised he was targeting world leaders.

I sent in offers and requests to protect the Fire Lord, all of which were declined.

"Y/N? Are you in here?"

I glanced over at the door that Iroh had just opened and asked, "is everything okay, my love?"

He shook his head, offering me his hand to pull me up, "we're leaving right now."

"Why's that? Has something happened to the avatar?"

"We need to get you back to the palace, we need to make sure you're safe."

He was already pulling me out of the door as I protested, "I'm fine. I'm a lot more worried about your mother."

He huffed and turned to me, placing both hands on my cheeks, "listen, my love, darling, Y/N, you know I try to support everything you do, every decision, everything. But this time, please, please just let me make sure you're safe."


"But nothing. Let's go."

After the baby was born, we took time off work to devote our full time and attention to her, which was interrupted a few years later when we were called in for an emergency in Republic City.

Apparently the leader of the Earth Empire, Kuvira, was trying to destroy the city.

I was packing my bag with Mai as she asked me endless questions about where myself and Iroh were going.

"And when will you be back?"

I pulled her onto my lap and kissed the top of her head, "I don't know, baby, but I pinky promise we'll be as quick as we can."

As she linked pinkies with me, my bedroom door slammed open, followed by a ridiculously loud, "WHERE'S MY FAVOURITE NIECE!?"

Mai immediately jumped down from my lap and onto the floor, "AUNTIE URSA!"

Ursa leaned down and lifted her up, "woah! I only saw you yesterday and it's like you've grown even more!"

And out from behind Ursa strolled in Lei who nodded at me, "what's up, Y/N?"

I smiled and waved, "hey Lei, thanks again for agreeing to watch Mai while we're gone."

She shook her head, "no worries at all," she held her hands out to Mai, "come here you little monster."

As she pulled Mai from Ursa's arms, she started tickling her and dangling her upside down as Mai giggled hysterically.

I felt relief wash over me knowing that those two would be watching over my baby whilst I was away.

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