The Storm: Part 3

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Iroh's POV
My heart began to beat faster and faster as I continued to search.

What if I was too late?


No response.

At this point, tears were streaming down my face.

She'd been missing for so long.



My heart felt heavy and my head was light as the realisation washed over me that we might not find her.


I passed some search parties and moved out to an area where our numbers were more sparse, the waves were still crashing and folding over into our dinghies, the rain was still bucketing down and the thunder constantly roared over our shouting.

The soldiers followed the correct procedure and every dinghy had at least one water bender, so I was confident that despite the weather, they'd be safe.


The waves were becoming more violent by the second.



I continuously held on to the side of the boat, trying to stop myself from falling overboard.

I stood up and held my hands around my mouth, trying to project my voice:


My hands were shaking.

I knew that she was more than capable but it would take a miracle to survive in these conditions.


But I just couldn't entertain the possibility that she didn't survive.


She meant absolutely everything to me.


And if anything happens to her, it would be my fault, because she jumped in trying to save me.


There's so much I didn't say... so much I didn't do.


She knew something bad was going to happen, she knew from the very beginning and she was right.


I felt like I was losing my mind, everything was blurry and I couldn't hear anything, even the roar of thunder went silent- all I could think about was getting her back safely.

I choked out a cry,


And it was terrifying me to even think that there's a possibility that we won't find her.


Then from a distance I heard someone call,


I propelled myself over to them as fast as I could.

As I peered over at the crashing waves, I watched as y/h/c hair sunk below the surface of the waters.

That has to be her.

Without even thinking, I dove straight in.

Where is she? Where is she?

I swam deeper and grabbed onto a cold, limp body.

As I pulled it up, I wiped my eyes and felt myself smile as I traced my lovers features with my eyes.

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