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Earth benders were still constantly trying to attack me whilst I was on the ground trying to heal Iroh.

I was constantly having to put up walls of ice and wasn't getting enough time to just focus on healing him.

I held my hand over his head and closed my eyes for a moment.

Come on. Work. Please.

Just stop bleeding.

It was difficult, but I healed him just enough to know that he wouldn't bleed out, I dragged one of his soldiers down to my level,

"Listen to me, protect the general with your life."

He nodded at me and I picked up a sword from the ground before running back into battle.

We needed to get through, I needed somewhere safe to work on healing Iroh, so no matter what, I needed to make sure we passed.

I ran straight at the earth benders, knocking them from their feet, rendering them unconscious- I definitely sustained my fair share of bruises and wounds- but it didn't matter, all that mattered was getting Iroh out of here so that I could heal him.

As I ran between earth benders and soldiers from the United Forces, I noticed a tower, and I could sense an immense amount of water- it's a water tower, I started trying to pull it down with my bending, but the structure surrounding it was strong.

I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead, but I kept pulling.


Someone had sent me backwards.

I crashed into the side of a building and pulled myself back up, wincing in pain. I darted my eyes up and there was another rock flying right at me, I sprung out of the way before running towards the bender, dodging their attacks then knocking them from their feet and freezing them to the ground, furrowing my eyebrows and hissing,

"Don't try me."

I ran back to the water tower and began to pull again, I turned to check on Iroh as I did and noticed someone trying to sneak up behind them as the soldier I had assigned to guard him fought off an earth bender, my heart beat accelerated, I wasn't going to make it in time.

I looked around for help, but no one was there.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

I held up the sword I was carrying and hurled it like a javelin at the person sneaking up and to my astonishment, I had managed to pin them to a building behind them, though he screamed out in pain so I assume I must've pierced through his skin.

The soldier protecting Iroh stared in astonishment.

I turned my attention back to the water tower, I pulled and pulled, but I wasn't strong enough.

Then I noticed one of the earth benders from the United Forces, I shouted,

"Hey, you! I need help!"

She ran over to me,

"What do you need!?"

I gestured to the water tower,

"Can you metal bend?"

She shook her head, I sighed,

"Okay well can you throw something at it? I need you to weaken it."

She nodded,

"Yes, ma'am."

It was convenient being the general's girlfriend, because at times like these, when I needed help, because I'm always assisting Iroh, no one ever questioned me.

She hauled a massive boulder at it before throwing more and more rocks at the structure, I pulled on the water as much as I could until it came toppling down, as it hit the ground and flooded the area I froze it.

I then shouted,

"Water benders! Free your comrades! We're advancing further into the city!"

I then ran over to Iroh, who I had unfrozen straight away and had the soldier help me carry him further into the city, it was calmer in the next region of the city so I was able to place Iroh down by a fountain, resting his head on my backpack.

I stood on top of the fountain and called out,

"Soldiers, I need you all to secure the perimeter around this place, I don't want the rebels advancing on us, we need to break for the next half an hour so stand strong! Healers, help the wounded, everyone else, work on getting that perimeter secure!"

I then jumped back down and pulled some water from the fountain and got back to work healing Iroh.

He gazed up at me,

"You are absolutely amazing, you know that?"

I felt my cheeks heat up,

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better."

I held my hand over his wound,

"I don't know how quickly I'm going to be able to heal this, you'd be better off with an actual war healer- I'm a great healer but this is way out of my comfort zone."

He slowly reached his hand out to hold onto my free hand and brushed his thumb against mine as he murmured,

"I trust you more than anyone else in the world."

"But, I don't know how fast I can heal you, I don't even know if I can... I've never dealt with such a severe wound before."

There were a few moments of silence between us as I worked on the wound before he asked,

"You still think this is exciting?"

I sighed,

"You were right, it is exciting until you have something to lose. That's why you have to stay with me."

A crumpled smile formed on his face,

"Yeah... Always."

I don't know if I can handle this. It's one thing to constantly fear for my own life, but having to watch Iroh almost get taken away from me? I don't know if I can deal with that again and again. I don't know if I'm cut out for life as a soldier.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

When did I become such a cry baby?



"You have to promise me that this will never happen again, that I'll never have to fear for your life, I'll never have to hold your head as your blood drips onto my lap. Never again."

"I can't promise you that, my love."

"Iroh, I can't- I can't lose you."

He pulled his other hand up and caressed my cheek,

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here, you saved me, I'm fine."

He pulled the hand that he was holding to his lips and gently kissed the back of my hand.

I felt my heart flutter.

I exhaled,

"Okay. Let's get you up and running again, then."

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