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Iroh's POV
Days later, I found Y/N sat on the grass staring into the turtle-duck pond.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and she tilted her head up to look at me, I placed a soft kiss on her lips,

"Good morning, my love"

She warmly smiled at me,

"Good morning, Iroh."

I offered her my hand and pulled her up,

"Join me for a walk?"


Our fingers were intertwined as I led her out of the palace and down into the woods, the stream that sparkled from the morning sun was the same one that ran down past her village.

As we strolled along the side of the stream, Y/N asked me,

"How are you feeling?"

I smiled and leaned in, kissing her temple,

"Better, a lot better, thanks to you."

She squeezed my hand gently,

"I'm glad."

As we continued strolling, hand in hand, down the stream, I felt guilt wash over me as I had realised that I had absolutely forgotten all about Y/N's troubles,

"How are you feeling, Y/N?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine...?"

I stopped and sat down against a tree, I didn't let go of her hand so she sat beside me and leaned her head into my shoulder.

"It's almost been five months, you still haven't heard back from your parents..."

"Oh, right... it's whatever."

"It's not whatever, I know that it was important to you."

She sighed and shook her head,

"Just don't worry about it, okay?"

Later on in the day, Y/N was occupying my little sister when I decided that it was time I made a little trip to a certain village.

I adjusted my jacket as I knocked on the door, I took a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled, the door opened and Y/N's mother stared at me, shocked,

"Prince Iroh? What are you doing here?"

"I uh- Hello, ma'am, I was... wondering if I could speak with you and your husband..."

She stepped outside and looked around,

"Where's Y/N?"

"She's not with me, she actually doesn't know that I'm here."

Y/N's mother raised an eyebrow at me before beckoning me inside.

She sat me down at their dining table and poured me a cup of tea before retreating to her room to call her husband.

I felt sweat threaten to drop down my forehead as I waited, nervously tapping my fingers on the table.

When he finally came over to the table, I stood up and reached out my hand to shake his,

"Good afternoon, sir."

But he just glared at me; I awkwardly retracted my hand and sat back down.

"What do you want?"

I gulped,

"I- well, I actually came here because, Y/N-"

"I'm not writing to her."

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