The Southern Water Tribe: Part 1

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A/N: when I do decide to go into Korea's timeline, would you guys prefer a book 2 or a time skip in this book? Please let me know & thanks for reading this :)

Iroh's POV
I scooped Y/N into my arms and Y/N's mother stood up and stopped me,

"Wait, what's going on? Why are you going to the South Pole?"

My grandfather looked over at her and replied,

"We're going to take her to a good friend of mine."

Y/N's mother gently ran her fingers through her daughter's hair before looking up at me with worried eyes,

"Please, Iroh, keep her safe."

"You're not coming?"

She shook her head,

"No, my husband's waiting for me... but, please send word to me as soon as you return letting me know how she is. Please."

I nodded,

"Of course."

I followed my grandfather out of the room and turned to my mother,

"Are you coming?"

"No, I have to stay here to watch over the Fire Nation, and Ursa should stay here, too."

My little sister looked up and pouted,

"But mother-"

"They aren't going on a fun trip to visit Katara and Kya- they're going to try to heal Y/N."

"I know! That's why I should go! Y/N is my bestest friend ever!"

"Ursa, next time."

She hung her head low before facing me and asking,

"Promise me you'll make sure she's all better?"

"I promise."

I turned back to my grandfather who nodded, signalling for me to follow him.

As we boarded an airship, I placed Y/N down on a bed inside and sat beside her. Grandfather grabbed a chair and sat opposite me before informing me,

"Just so you know, Iroh, I don't know if Katara can heal her."

I sighed as I rubbed my thumb against Y/N's and looked over at my grandfather,

"And what if she can't? What do I do then, grandfather?"

He held his chin, deep in thought,

"I don't know, I suppose you could always go to the North Pole, perhaps someone would be kind enough to attempt to heal her with spirit water... I remember Katara using it to save Aang's life once, when we were children..."

I glanced back at Y/N and took a deep breath.

What am I going to do if they can't heal you?

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