The Princess' Suitor

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Iroh's POV
After everything that had happened between the two of us, all of the near-death experiences and constantly being in fear for each other's lives, having some time to ourselves to see everything the world has to offer was exactly what we needed.

Travelling across the world with the love of my life and being able to see every country without being caught up in the violence of war was truly magical.

When we got back into the United Republic, it wasn't long until we set off again to recruit new soldiers from every nation, anyway.

Surely enough, when we arrived back in our homeland, there was my sister, waiting in line with the potential recruits.

"Hello, commander!"

She completely ignored my presence and was grinning straight at Y/N, who grinned straight back, "oh? Hello, cadet."

Y/N saluted her and Ursa saluted back, looking so excited that she could barely keep still.

After the first day of training had come to an end, Y/N linked arms with Ursa and beamed, "I have been so excited to finally see you! I read your last letter but I knew I'd be seeing you soon anyway so I thought I'd ask you about it in person... are you and Mako like... officially a thing?"

"Oh! No, no... it's... that's complicated..."

"So... you like him?"

"No! No, I do not, I don't like him at all. Like you couldn't be further from the truth."

"Oh? So... who were you talking about?"

Ursa glanced back at me and furrowed her eyebrows, "stop listening to our conversation! Get out of here!"

I threw my hands up, "You're the one heading towards my room."

She huffed and turned to Y/N, "Y/N, can you make him go away."

Y/N turned back to me with her eyebrows raised, "you heard the princess, go away."

I shrugged my shoulders, "the princess? No, no, I heard the cadet try to give an order to her superior."

Ursa practically had steam coming out of her ears as she snapped her head back around and yelled, "oh, get lost! Y/N's a commander and she told you to go so just leave!"

I shrugged again, "and I'm the general, so why should I listen to my commander?"

Y/N sighed and turned around, placing her hands on my shoulders, "because your commander is also your wife," she gently pecked my lips, "I'll come and find you afterwards, okay?"

As she turned to leave, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into one last kiss as I mumbled, "mm, yes ma'am."

And as expected, Ursa pulled her other arm and shook her head, "you're gross. You're both gross. Why do you have to do that in front of me? There's no reason! Not one! Disgusting."

As I followed Ursa into mine and Iroh's room, she locked the door behind the two of us and sat down on the edge of my bed, a serious look plastered on her face.

"Uh- is everything okay, Ursa?"

She rested her elbows on her knees and buried her head in her hands, "Y/N... if I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anybody?"

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