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Iroh and I barley spoke to each other over the next few days, all we said to each other were things like:

"You're up!"

"My turn, you can go rest now."

"Your shift is over"

I didn't understand why he was so mad at me, it isn't like I'd permanently leave the United Forces, I just thought that maybe I'd take a few months leave. The opportunity to train with Master Katara isn't something that many people are given the chance to have. I'm aware that he's my boss, but isn't he supposed to be my friend too?

Whilst I stood with perfect posture with my hands glued to my sides, I stared up at the moon, illuminating the sky and filling my body with a feeling of surging power; I sighed and dropped my composure,

"Oh, great moon spirit, why? Why is this happening to me? Every time I am given a blessing it seems to come at the price of hurting the people I love. When Iroh brought me to Republic City with the United Forces, I hurt my parents... I probably hurt them so much that they don't even want to see me anymore- and now, the son of Avatar Aang invites me to train with Master Katara, one of the people I look up to the most in this world, but somehow, that means I'll end up hurting Iroh, another person I look up to so much. What do I do?"

I didn't realise it at first, but I was crying. Every time that I try to be happy, I end up hurting the people I care the most about- and Iroh, I'd never want to hurt him, because he's my best friend and he meant absolutely everything to me.

The nights droned on for 2 and a half weeks until Tenzin came to thank us for our services and invited General Iroh and I to dinner with team Avatar. He came during Iroh's shift, so after Tenzin departed from our ship, Iroh came to the bedroom I'd been living in whilst I was asleep.

He opened the door and leaned against the door frame, watching me sleep for a couple of seconds before knocking on the door, I yawned and sat up,

"My shift already?"

"Actually, our mission is complete, team Avatar have caught Zaheer, Tenzin just came over to deliver the news and invite myself and my wonderful assistant to dinner later tonight, you up for it?"

His wonderful assistant, did this mean he wasn't mad at me anymore?

"Uh, yeah, yeah, sure... what am I supposed to wear? I packed for training and my uniform? Please tell me you're wearing your uniform!"

He shook his head and chuckled,

"Get up, Y/N, we're going shopping."

"Oh, I didn't bring any money, I thought we were just, you know? Working"

"Y/N, money isn't a problem, come on."

I sat up and started waving my arms frantically,

"Oh, no no no no no no no, you do not have to get me anything! It's honestly fine! I'll just, clean up my uniform, do my hair a little fancy, don't worry about me!"

He shrugged his shoulders before smirking and saying,

"Fine. I challenge you to an Agni Kai."

"But, I'm- I'm not a fire bender, dumb dumb."

He lit a flame in his left hand,

"I know."

He lit the pillow behind me on fire, forcing me to jump out of bed,

"Iroh! Why would you that?"

"What you gonna do about it? Huh, Y/N?"

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