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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @nutellababy- because you know what her story is awesome. It's called ''The Baxter Boys'' and I cant its so good. Like really its hilarious and a must. So I hope you go and check her book out! :)

Sorry about the late update :/ How about we call this fashionably late aye? ( U know u wanna ;) )

Please vote and comment and maybe I'll dedicate the next chapter to u..... rem. I said jk anyway...


Not edited so yeah ;) bare with it!

(Please comment i want to get 1k and know ur thoughts) :D

*Amanda P.O.V*

So we actually didn't end up going to either one of them. I guess you can say our little fight was for no reason. And Ash still wont look at me in the eye. He's so stubborn! But the reason for not going is because I have to babysit my sister.

Ash and I were a middle of gathering our papers and that's when I got a text from my mom. Since I was supposed to go to Jenna we decided to call it quits for the night. Ash dropped me off while still not looking at me. But I chose to condone it. I don't want the smirk on his face to grow.

"Bye." I smile.

"Bye and good luck." he grants as I shut the door and he drives off.

"I'm going to need it." I mutter to myself.

The sad thing about myself is that I can't babysit. At least without freaking out about everything. I get very paranoid and cautious with every detail. And the whole time all I can think about is, "If anything happens it's my fault.". And that makes me very nervous. My mother knows that which makes this seem a bit peculiar.

Where would she go and night with out me and why would she leave me alone with Sarah. I hope it's not one of those emergency work calls. I hate when she gets those. I frowned still attempting to figure this out.

Opening the front door, I call out for my mom. It didn't take that long before she waltzed down the steps. Her usual brown straight hair was curled and she was wearing a dress.

"Mom you look beautiful." I complement while taking my shoes off.

"Really?" she questioned nervously. She fixed up her hair and I nodded.

"Who are you trying to impress?" I ask."Are you trying to get a raise from your boss?" I smirk teasingly and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Amanda." she scolds me, but I just giggle. "And If you must know.." she trails off.

"Oh I must." I encourage her to continue.

"It's just a co-worker." she says.

I smile. I can tell it's not just a co-worker. It's nice to know that my mom can take this step in moving on and find herself someone other than her daughters. "I hate to do this to you mom,but I think you should hire a babysitter." I say not looking at her in the eyes.

Oh god! I feel so selfish saying that, but it's better if she does otherwise when she comes back this house may be burnt. Or worse I might be burnt. So I think it's good if we stay on the safe side.

"Amanda, I know how you are, but you need to be able to do this. One day your'e going to have your own kids and-" I tune her off once she says that.

The words no teenager wants to hear. The phrase 'One Day'. It's like a force field for your parents. It's as if all of a sudden were talking about my future kids. That who even know that I'll have. For all we know I'll just be single for life and die alone. Its definitely a possibility.

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