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Dedicated to the one and only @Love2497 for the amazing cover.Thank you all who sent me covers you still can.I will be posting all your covers on a chapter and dedicate it to you. :)

[Really sorry about the late update.I hope you enjoy this chapter!]

*Cameron P.O.V*

"Dude,you look like a dead zombie."Mickle says.

"Did you just hear yourself? Zombies are already dead.So how can he look like a dead zombie,dumb ass."Zachary says, conversing with Mickle.

"Please stop my head is killing."I beg,rubbing my temples attempting to ease the pain.

"Well who's idea was it to have a guys night with a year supply of beer?"Mickle scolds.

"Wait wasn't it yours?"Zachary asks with a slight smirk.

"You know what,forget I ever said that."Mickle says.

Mickle and Zachary start to bicker for a while.My head is pounding like a drum and I feel like I am going to drop.These two are definitely not helping,rather they are making the situation worse.

"Ugh."I groan while sitting myself comfortably on the couch.I look down at my coffee table and stare at a picture.

The wooden heart brown frame is breaking and the glass that's protecting the picture is shattered.Yet somehow it managed to stay put.I felt the corners of my lips turn up as I smiled.I picked up the picture and stared at it.

Memories suddenly flew around my mind.Amanda's hair was messy but she seemed to make it look perfect.Thats just how she is,not meaning to make herself perfect.She was wearing the custom maid T-shirt that I bought her.It had written 'Best boyfriend' with an arrow pointed to me.

And I was wearing a T-shirt that said 'best girlfriend' with an arrow pointing to her.Amanda was smiling in the picture,but I was looking down at her,with a wide smile plastered on my face.Her hands slung over my arms and mine was in the same position with hers.

"She is so beautiful."I whisper,having my fingers linger across the picture.

"Dude no,not the picture."Mickle says grabbing the pictures away from my palms.

"Damn it,Cam.Really the picture?"Zachary says concerned.

"Give me back the picture."I demand,while standing up.I glare at them and clench my jaw.

"When will you ever get over her?"they both say in unison.Mickle tightens his grip on the picture.

"Does she even know how you feel?"Zachary says taking me by surprise.

"No and she shouldn't ev-"I start.

"Wait she doesn't even know how you feel?"Mickle says.

"I was about to tell her,but first I had to explain wha-"I say,trying to explain what had happen.

"Dude first you confess your feelings then you come clean.Do I have to tell you everything?"Zachary scoffs.

"I felt like I had to.I don't know anymore."I say getting agitated.

"How about we do a do over?"Mickle implies.

"Yeah."Zachary agrees snapping his finger."Call her and ask her to meet up with you.After tell her how you feel."

"And she probably moved on.So don't take it to hard if she doesn't feel the same way."Mickle advices.

I nod with only one thought in my mind.Butter cup now you will know the whole story.

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