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This chapter is dedicated to me because I'm awesome ;) Just kidding this chapter is dedicated to  @JustAllyWally thank you so much for the awesome comments I swear I loved them!

Be sure to comment guys I really love when you do! <3

( and sry if the updates sucky and that its a week late) :D

Also, alsooo please listen to the song on the side when you read the A/N that is if you do! 

! ! ! ! ! Enjoy ! ! ! !  !

*Ashton P.O.V*

I felt my heartbeat accelerate beat after beat. This can not be happening! Not only were we trying to investigate a homicidal fire ,but two people might have caught us. I looked at Amanda. Her face was masked with shock as her eyes widen. Her lips parted as if she was about to say something,but then she closed them. Like she was rethinking on how to say it. What ever it was that she wanted to say.

"Those two?" she asked baffled. She made it seem as if they were harmless. "They don't look like they would tell anyone." she bit her lip as she says that. It was like she was trying to convince herself. But that wouldn't matter.

"You never know." I comment.

"Should we confront them?" she asks.

"I don't think so." I answer unsure.

"Class please give a warm welcome. Chloe and Jonathan," our teacher turns to them. "You may choose where you would like to sit."

Why does our teacher suddenly seem more nice? I raised an eyebrow as they approached near Amanda and I.

Jonathan sat next to Amanda, there was a vacant seat on her left. I looked to my side to see I as well had an empty seat. Chloe propped herself next to me.

Well fuck it! Wer'e cornered.


"Mandy." I called before she was about to go to class. She turned around and tilted her head to the side. She then realized it was me and waited for me to approach her.

"What Ash?" she asks rolling her eyes. I smirk at her. Seems like she's okay with me calling her Mandy now.  Hmmm seems like I'm growing on her. Are we now on nickname bases?

"Well Mandy.." I start.

"Ash stop stalling and stop calling me Mandy. You know I don't like that name." She says, resting one hand on her hip. Looks like were still not on the nickname bases. Too bad.

"I don't like how you get to call me Ash and I can't call you Mandy." I say crossing my arms over my chest, challenging her.  

"Well if you don't want me calling you Ash I'm okay with that." she smiles at me , but I can see she's suppressing a smirk. She was a bout to open the classroom door until I opened my mouth.

"Yeah but think about this. Amanda is such a long name and so annoying to just say-"

"So my name is annoying?" she asks raising an eyebrow.

"No, its just annoying to say. Like it's so long and-" she cuts me off again.

"Yeah and Ashton's a really long name too. First comes the 'Ash' then the 'ton'. I'm sorry but I can't keep up." she jokes.

"I know how you feel. When I say Amanda, I have to stay focus. You know with the 'a' and then 'man' and then another 'a'. It's hard stuff, what do you expect from me?" I ask placing my lips in a thin line and pressed firmly.

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