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Dedicated to @Silvermistsunshine for the awesome cover she actually made another purple that will be posted soon.

Omg I reached 30k reads and I'm so close to 1k votes this is exciting!!!

Enjoy don't forget to Vote and Comment!

*Amanda P.O.V*

Life is funny in many ways. Personally I find it annoying and a drag. But hey , life wouldn't be interesting with out the irony. Think about it , if we did live in a world where there was no unexpected and everything was perfect. In simpler words Utopia.

It would be boring. Sure it's nice no drama,no misconception , no confusion,just a simple perfect world. But eventually we would get frustrated and bored with it , that we would actually creat something that forms into 'different'. Or how I would put it 'Evil'.

It's pitiful I know, but that's how we are. But right now, as I stare at the entrance of a Café, I wish for a perfect world. Somewhere with no drama preferably. So I wouldn't have to deal with this. Not now, not ever.

You know that door knob looks nice. Maybe I shouldn't touch it,it would leave a smudge. And of course we wouldn't want that happening. Yeah maybe if I walk away it would be like I was never here. I sigh with realization that there's no going back.

My fingers linger over the door knob as I bit my lip. I guess there really is no going back.

"Order for two at table six please!" I hear a waitress yell from a distance.

For some peculiar reason today the Cafe was extremely busy. I attempted to push my way through but miserably failed. I fell on my butt, which really is nothing new. And you know what the sad part is no one even acknowledged my fall. They just kept walking back and forth as if I was nothing.

"You okay?" someone asks.

Oh wait never mind someone did.

"Yeah." I hear someone reply.

I freakin knew it was to good to be true.

I get up and don't try and ease the pain in my butt. Because that would look awkward and weird, and now when I think about it that basically describes me.

Awkward and weird? Yup definitely me.

I scan the room looking for his familiar face. I then spot him and try to compose my nervous state. Failing, I sit beside him and don't even dare to look at him in the eye. I gulp and feel my face flush. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

"Amanda?" he asks clarifying if it's actually me.

I stay the way I am and look down at my shoes. "Yeah it's me." I say, slowly raising my head up. I meet his eyes and find myself baffled with his appearance. He looks lost hurt lonely guilty and maybe some love hidden around there.

"It really is you." he smiles.

"Yup." I say lightly and pop the 'p'. I don't return the smile and try to muster a solemn face.

"I-eh how um do I start?" Cameron stutters nervously ,scratching the back of his neck.

"The beginning would probably work." I offer sarcastically.

He lets out a deep sigh and looks up at me with his dazzling green eyes. "Okay,but please Amanda don't interrupt me." I was about to speak but he cuts me off. "Please." he pleads.

"Fine." I sigh.

"So yes the reason I first started talking to you was for a bet. Which was stupid,very stupid. But that doesn't mean that my feelings for you are fake. No. I started liking from what the third date. You were different, sarcastic, witty and awkward."he says bluntly.

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