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Quick think of something fast.Something that won't seem suspicious.

I look up to the man that was known as 'Harold Smith'.He had brown hair with gray strands.He was currently wearing black square rim glasses that seemed suitable for his oval face.He looked like your average 47 year old man.

"It's wonderful to meet you,Dr.Smith."I say very politely and ladylike.I then extend my hand gesturing for him to shake mine.

Just go with the flow Amanda.

"Harold will do."he replies shaking my hand.He narrows his green eyes at me and looks over to Ash.

I flicker my eyes over to Aston.His face is masked with fear,but quickly he covers it with a sweet smile.He looks over to me and nods.He then winks at me and I look away. I felt my cheek redden as a light blush came over my face.

Dang flab it!Don't blush.

"I always wanted to meet you Harold.You have been my inspiration since day one."Ashton says as if he was some fan.He aggressively shakes the mans hand.

Oh flatter your way in Ash.

"Im glad I can help you."Harold says with a shaky smile.He yanks his hands away and shakes it a bit,He looks a little startled and frighten at the moment.He's probably just shaken with how Ashton approached him.

"It's funny we were just talking about you."I say with a light chuckle.

Yeah,we kind if think you have something to do with the accident.

"Yeah I was just asking Amanda if we will ever actually get the privilege meet you.I guess so."Ashton continues smoothly,pressing his lips into a firm tight line.

He doesnt really look like a person who word kill people.He looks like a nice guy.But hypothetically if he did why would he become a doctor?Wouldn't someone who murdere people you know continue with that and not do the exact oppisite and actually help people.

"What happened to your arm?"Ashton asks confused at the man.Causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh this?"Harold asks.I look at his arm.He rolled up his sleeve revealing a vast burn.I gasp and took a step back.I quickly take a peek at Ashton.He to looks astonish.

"Not to be rude,but may I ask how you got that burn?"I ask.

Didn't Ashton say that his records show he was not injured.So how am I seeing a burn on his arm?Maybe someone forged or tampered with the files.

"You know Lark wood High School?"Harold asks.

"Yes we're familiar with it."Ash answers the man skeptically.He cocked an eyebrow and stared right into the mans eye.

"Well then I assume you've heard about the fire.So I was a victim and I got burned."Harold says,stating the obvious."Thats actually why I became a doctor."

"That's so fascinating."I lie right through my teeth."But I never actually got to hear what happened."I say trying to get maybe even a hint from him.

"Yeah I always wanted to know."Ash continues.

"I"ll tell you kids it in a nutshell."Harold says realizing what we were doing."So my friends and I were at the third floor,we realized that a fire was going on.While I escaped I burned myself."

I nod showing interest in the conversation and gesturing for him to continue.

"My friends were able to escape and I saw some other students by the elevator.At the moment I was thinking why they would be there.So I called to them,but I don't know if they heard me.I left and got out."he says.

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