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Dedicated to @coleskoala because her story is amazing and you guys should really check it out.Like its cute,nice,really funny,seriuse and just and all in one nice book. :) So why not check it out maybe even vote or comment.

'I have 10 fingers I have 10 fingers.' I sang while showing off my fingers to Ashton.

'Well I have 10 toes' Ashton sang as well but was challenging me to top that. He then  showed me his toes making them look like he just got them painted.  

'I'm a girl!' I yelled skipping across the room.

'I'm a boy!' he yelled following me as he skipped across the room.

'Prove it.' I challenged, wiggling my eyebrows.

Ashton nodded and took off his shirt showing off his bare chest. My eyes scanned his  chest. Ashton had a playful smirk causing me to turn away and blush. Ashton then  continued, taking off his pants leaving him only in boxers.

'Now you prove it.' he challenged back with a playful grin.

'Okay.'' I said, stripping off my dress showing my undergarments.  

I can feel my face heating up as I blushed. I looked to my side and saw Ashton. His cheeks  were a faint pink.  

"No one knows about this." I said sternly, deleting the video.

 "Know what?" he asked playfully and gave me a wink.  

 "Exactly." I smiled.


It wasn't awkward after the whole 'drunk' thing, which I am incredibly thankful for. Ashton  gave me an Advil and a water bottle causing my hangover to slowly go away. I learned after that it was actually Ashton's party. I was hurt that he didn't invite me and I had to  crash. Ashton then told me that he didn't invite me because he thought I wouldnt't enjoy it  and would feel awkward. Who doesn't enjoy a party?

After hanging out with Ashton I went to my house, took a shower to cleanse my body of all  the toxins. Thank god It was a Saturday, if it was a school day I would probably die.   I walked down stairs, towards the living room.

"Hey Bruce." I said smiling and petting him. He wagged his tail as his response.  

"Hey Sarah!" I yelled. I watched as Sarah skipped down stairs having her pig tail's  bouncing from side to side.  

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Want to go for a walk with Bruce and I?" I asked.

It was a usual thing for us to do, it was how we would bond together. Her blue eyes twinkled  with  excitement, that look had every adult giving her what ever she wants.  

"Yes." she exclaimed jumping up and down. I laughed at her excitement and grabbed a red  leash that was hanging on the hook.  


"Ugh Bruce your'e going to fast. "I yelled trying to keep up with his speed. I heard Sarah  giggle and I scowled at her, causing her to stop.

"So where were you last night?" Sarah asked oh so innocently.This girl thinks I'm stupid,  she is like a 'nosy mama's spy'. I laughed at her attempt to know the truth.

"Friends. Sleepover." I said giving her a 2 word answer. She crossed her arms over her  chest and pursed her lips, giving me a look that  said 'I know you're lying'. I gulped and  looked away.

 "Hey look at that." I said pointing at the park, trying to change the subject.

"Why don't you  and Bruce play there?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

"Okay." she smiled, I gave her Bruce and then walked away to a near by wooden bench  

This was my place where I would think, to clear my thought and relax.   

Who was she calling? Why was she?

I couldn't help but remember that day in the elevator. That girl was scary but there was  something off. I feel like there's something missing, like it wasn't an accident.  

Ugh I need to stop watching movies.I guess the only way I will know is if I go back there.


"You want to go back there?!" Ashton yelled ,looking at me as if I was crazy.  

"Yeah." I answered ,biting my lip.

"Why?" he asked.

"Remember the girl that was calling for someone?" I asked not giving him time to  answer. "Well I don't know, I have this feeling that were missing something.

Something huge. Like it wasn't an accident, someone did it deliberately." I explained.

I asked Ashton to help me out with my little quest. I just really need to know what  happened. Was it really an accident or was it deliberately? Ashton obviosly thinks I'm crazy  for wanting to go back in the 'haunted' elevator.

"You sure about this? "he asked.  

"Yes." I nodded, smiling full of hope and pouting my lips.

"Okay what's the plan?" he asked,sighing dramatically.  

"Uh plan?" I said. Hmm never thought of that.  

"Yeah, you know like a strategy you plan beforehand to accomplish your'e objective."he  stated. "Wait you don't have a plan, do you?" he asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well...uh...I never thought I would get this far." I said truthfully and half heartily laugh.

"Do I have to do everything for you?" he asked. I gave him a cheeky smile and he just nodded.

"Fine. First we need to get a hold of the documents of the kids who died and the ones who  survived. "he started.

"Then we will study it, and since you're so convinced it wasn't an  accident, we will look at the survives see if there's something fishy." he explained.  

"Okay that sounds good, but how will we get the documents? Aren't they in the princeple's  office?" I asked, raising one eyebrow confused.  

"You'll just have to wait and see!" he said,wiggling his eyebrows.  

Oh no, what can he possibly mean by that?


Hello! -waves-

So here's another update ik its short and I just want to say thank u so much for 1,600 READS,26 COMMENTS AND 40 VOTES in all Thank u so much. X)

(If theres any mistakes please let me know.I sort of wrote this really fast)

Please if u like the chapter dont be shy and VOTE! COMMENT! READ! SHARE! :P

I wUv YoU :) ;) :0 :P <------ faces

bEcA <3 <3 <3

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