Chapter. 23

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*Unknown P.O.V*

Earlier that week.

"You understand?" I ask them both. Blowing my black bangs away from my face.

I must have repeated myself about thirty times. This is a very important mission, I just feel like these kids won't help. Why did the organization have to choose them?

"Lark Wood High School?" the girl spoke with interest. Her hands trace the document as she looks up at me. "Seems easy enough."

"Don't let yourself be fooled. No mission is ever easy." I inform them with experience.

"Well yeah, but dealing with kids?" She cocks an eyebrow as she crosses her arms over her chest. It's like she was challenging me to fight back. What is she provoking me? That little!

"They're the same age as you." I smirk, all fired up to fight back. I then mirror her appearance and smirk.

"Really?" The blonde boy ask, looking a bit nervous.

"Don't let your blonde hair show too much." I chuckle.

"What's that suppose to mean?" he sincerely question. Which got me to laugh a little more.

"It's too late for you little one."

"They might be the same age as us, but they still won't know what's coming." she laughs.

"You both know what you're meant to do." I say eyeing them. I point to the girl. "You are suppose to ask lots of questions but make sure they don't realize." I then point to the boy. " And you need to gain their trust. Just act dumb, as usual, and you will be fine."

Let's just hope they will be fine. I sigh
and close the door as I leave.

*Amanda P.O.V*

My eyes widen as I start to have a coughing fit. Ash's heavy weight was still on me and I fear he might flatten me. I struggle to move away, and completely fail at my sad attempt of getting Ash off me.

"Can you get off?" I ask pushing him away, placing my hands on his chest and using all my strength. I feel my face go red. Who knows how long he's be on me? Ugh, Amanda don't think of things like that.

"Y-yeah.. sorry about that," he stammers while scratching the back of his neck. He let out a sigh as he got off me. He looks a bit flustered and his cheeks were tinted light shade of pink.

I look around stunned. What happened to the Elevator and the people in it?

Chloe was curled up in the corner as her teeth chattered. She kept mumbling things over and over and her eyes were wide. I was about to walk over to help her but Jonathan beat me too it. Her eyes were brimming with tears as a few escaped.

Ashton was pacing back and forth while biting his lips. This is like when we first were here and Ash acted like this. It seems like he was thinking of some sort of lie to make for this. Good luck to him!


My eyes widen as I quickly turn my head around. I bite my lip as I get up from the floor. Everyone's eyes were wide and filled with fear. We all were staring at the door with anticipation, wondering who was behind the door.

"Stand back!" someone yells as we all obey the harsh voice.

We all took a couple of steps back as
a loud thump echoed the elevator and firemen started rushing in. What was going on? I look up to see our principle. Oh pooh.

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