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*Ashton P.O.V*

Finally! The class is over. I pulled out my phone, looking through my texts. I smiled to myself when I reached mine and Amanda’s past conversations.

"Ooh! Man, who's the unlucky girl you fell for?" Zach asked sneaking glances at my phone. I closed my phone and scoffed.

"What do you mean by unlucky?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, so you do like someone?" he asked.

"No," I answered, way too quickly.

"In denial, are we?" he teased.

"No, now let’s go to lunch," I said trying to change the subject.

"Avoid the topic all you want,” he said throwing the football to me. "But believe me, I will find her out."

"Sure, whatever you say," I replied shrugging. I mean there's really nothing to find out anyway, right. Right?

We both walked towards the lunchroom, but I stopped walking when I saw something, actually someone.

"You okay, man?" Zach asked me.

"Yeah. Just go on, I'll be there in a sec," I said without glancing at him. He nodded and started to walk away.

I looked at what had transfixed me. She was looking at the paper, in her hand, while scrunching her eyebrows together. I loved it when she did that. I was still staring at her, hoping she wouldn't realize I in fact was staring. I am such a creep. I walked towards her, only to realize she was crying. I was about to go up to her but Britney beat me to it. What can she possibly want?

Britney was talking to her and now Amanda was full on crying. It hurt seeing her cry like that. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked towards them and found my feet running. It was too late… Amanda ran away like the place was on fire. I stopped running to catch my breath. I looked to my side to see Britney smiling.

"What the fuck did you say to her?" I spat, anger clear in my voice. This bitch will get it from me.

"The truth," she said simply like nothing was wrong and walked away.

What did she mean by the truth? I looked at the paper which Amanda had thrown away. I swear someone is going to die today! The paper had a picture of Amanda but that wasn’t the case. The case was that it had rude words written all over it like slut, whore, ugly, etc. I looked around, there were other pictures littered on the floor.  I took out my phone to text all the jocks that if they see a paper like this then to throw it out and that if they see anyone laughing at this tell them off.

The perks of being popular in school. Most of them replied a yes but some replied with a why. Well, that’s a question with no answer… I didn't bother to answer to them. I locked my phone and started to look around.

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