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Dedicated to @hammyw. Props to her come on everyone you can clap louder than that. Yeah that's better I want to see you clapping. 👏( comment 'clap' or put the emoji if u r ,😜)So why are we clapping for her? Well you see she happened to guess correct. I'm not saying who she guessed just keep reading and you will know ;)

p.s: If you leave a funny comment below or just a good one you might be dedicated in the next chapter.

p.s.s: if you haven't been told this your freakin B E A U T I F U L! But I'm pretty sure u always here that ;)

p.s.s.s : I dont know that just looked cool! :D

*Amanda P.O.V*

"There's no place like home." I chant lightly as I tap the heel of my feet together. "There's no place like home." I continue hopelessly.

Why the hell am I still here? It seemed to work for Dorothy in the wizard of Oz. Why isn't it working?! I repeat the chant multiple times until I was rudely interrupted by a certain someone. Sadly I still don't know who it is. What if its the people who found out about the elevator. Oh no, what if they know I was their. Or worse, if they knew Ash was there with me. What would they do to him?

"Amanda you know that won't work?" I hear one of them chuckle in my ear.


"Yeah and besides we just have a few questions." the other one explains happily, again against my ear.

"What are the questions?" I ask through grit teeth and raise an eyebrow. I am really getting agitated , at that thought I heard my stomach grumble. And apparently hungry. Ugh!

"You and Ash?" they ask flatly.

Shit, shit, shit they know. They know everything. I bet they think that I'm just going to blurt out everything. Ha! They have another thing coming to them.There's no way on earth that I would do that. I'm just going to play it cool. That's right Amanda they might not know everything.

"Ash and I?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Just keep it cool.

"Oh for crying out loud!'' one of them yell, taking the eye mask thing off.

"Oh my god! I can finally see." I cry in joy.

Have you ever been in a situation where it's pitch black. Like at a black out. Then suddenly the light comes back and you're suddenly more grateful. It's funny how someone appreciate something when it's gone or comes back. Well anyway that's how I feel at the moment. I squinted my eyes from the overwhelming sudden light. It was a bit orange and bright.

"Helen?" I ask looking at her. "Ashely?" I ask then looking at her.

I'm going to freaking kill them!

I attempt to launch at them and do who knows what, but that doesn't quite work out. After composing myself and realizing I was still tied up, I respectfully confronted them about how I felt.

"You dimwits!" I screech. "And I thought we were friends." I cry dramatically, hoping for them to feel guilty.

"So did we." Ashely replies with a frown as she plays with a wooden bat. I gulped, as scary thoughts come up to my mind. What is she doing with a wooden bat? I then cock an eyebrow. What does she mean by that "so did we'''? I was just being sarcastic.

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