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This chapter is dedicated to @divineraposo08. And don't worry I left a cliffhanger. Just for you! ;) Enjoy!

(Disclaimer: {I think that's wt you call this?} any who, I'm no professional so there is going to be tons of grammar errors and spelling and yeah :) Just making sure you know how bad it is >.<) Excuse this crappy chapter... please

This is what I decided for the cast of the twins: (Pic on side or top depends)

Alex Pettyfer as Jonathan

Ashley Benson as Chloe

What do you think?

*Amanda P.O.V*

You know that moment where you are just caught red handed. You can't even find your way around it. You have no excuses. It's the loose-win situation. Where the victim is loosing and the attacker is experiencing the upper hand. Its not the best. But here Ash and I fall into the loose category.

But of course Ash being a passionate guy will find away out of this and he did. Well something like that.

"Amanda and I don't need to prove anything. Our feelings don't need to be shown like its an entertainment." Ashton says maneuvering his hands around dramatically. My eyes widen as I look at him stunned. What feelings? I bite my lip suppressing a fit of giggles.

"Well if you feel so passionate about each other I don't see the problem." Chloe points out challenging us, as she crosses her arms over her chest and cocks an eyebrow.

Ash and I gulp simultaneously as we give each other looks.

"No I think its okay." Jonathan assures waving his hands around. It's like he doesn't want us to kiss. Thank god for him, I thought with a sigh.

I started liking the twins, Jonathan and Chloe. It's sad that this is happening. Now they just look like Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb. Chloe has her hands on her hips and Jonathan is frowning as he looks at me. Whats his problem?

"Why the hesitation Ash?" she asks looking at Ash.

"Whoa wait, hold up. Did you just call him Ash?" I grit my teach as I bawl my fist. My heart beat quickens as my face reddens.

"You call him that." she states the obvious. I click my tongue

"And I plan on that to stay." I say with a sickeningly sweet smile.

I hear Ash chuckle. I don't know what he finds amusing. She called him by the nickname I call him. That's not right. I came up with it,not her and-. Oh my goodness I'm jealous. My eyes widen as I take a step back. I'm so jealous that I just freaked out on the poor girl. I cover my mouth with my hands as I gasp.

What does it mean?

"Sorry." I mutter not looking at her.

I blushed as I turned around bumping into Ash.

"Steady there." Ash smirks.

Tell that to my stupid heart.

*Ashton P.O.V*

''Steady there." I smirk.

Maybe I should say that to my heart.

She was jealous of something so simple as to a nickname. My nickname. The one that she calls me. This girl is so unpredictable.

But, what does it mean?

"So the elevator?" Jonathan asks awkwardly.

Ugh, can the guy just go away. I'm trying to figure something out.

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