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I couldn't sleep. Who could? I mean, every time I close my eyes, I would see the memory of what happened in the elevator.

I heard my phone vibrate somewhere in my bedroom. I got up from my bed to get my phone. I had to walk across the room because my phone was charging and the only out lit in the room is there. Curse the person, who is texting me at who knows what hour at night.

"Ouch!" I hissed. I started rubbing my foot furiously. I just banged my foot in the corner if my desk. That's the absolute worst way to injure your foot, I finally reached my phone and I saw that I had a text from an unknown number. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. It’s probably a wrong number. I unlocked my phone.

It was 2:33 at night!


Unknown Number:

I hid the body.

I bit my lip and gulped.



And where would that be?

Hey, if a random stranger is going to text me at 2:35am, I'm going to have some fun. I mean it's not like I would get some sleep anyway.


 Unknown Number:

In your backyard.

They will never suspect a thing. ;)

I'm actually here right now.

Oh my goodness! I started walking towards my window and slid the curtain open, just enough to see the backyard. I sighed in relief when I  saw that no one was there. I probably looked like a scared little kitten. I heard my phone vibrate again.


Unknown Number:

Ahh! Ur probs freaking out. :’D LOL!

I bet u looked out ur window!  ;)

I scoffed. What is this person psychic?





Unknown Number:

U so did!!! Lmfao...

By now I started laughing. This random guy was funny.



Jigs up Ik who u r... ;)

Okay so maybe I don't… but this person will never know that, right?


Unknown Number:

Took u long enough!

Amanda ;)

Oh, so this person knows me. Who could it be?

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