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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @Kooliokatz for her great work and her awesome book "Stars Upon Us" you should really check it out. Also she helped me out for the future chapters that I will eventually post. And she made the beautiful cover that is currently in the book thanx again ;)

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, spread, fan and be awesome!

And a little question :)
How did you find my book?

*Ashton P.O.V*

"Hey Mandy why didn't you come to school?" I whisper to myself while biting my nails, by Amanda's front door step.

No I'm being to straight forward and she hates that nickname.Thats what she always tells me. How about I just ask if she's feeling okay. Yeah that sounds good. Actually no that's stupid, really stupid. Of Course she's not feeling okay, that's why she didn't come to school. At least I think so. Amanda isn't one to skip classes. I remember when I first met her in the elevator and how worried she was.

"Oh my gosh! We're going to die. I missed math period," She cried.

"I think math class is the least of our... your problems now," I said covering up my mistake.

"You're right! I also missed P.E," She whined.

"Forget you're stupid classes! We're stuck in a freaking elevator," I laughed lightly

I felt the corners of my lips turn up as I smiled. Amanda was always a quirky one. She would somehow make me smile or laugh with out me realizing it. I then frowned remembering why I was here. Amanda needs a friend and right now. That reminds me of that other time in the bathroom.

"And if me singing a song, dancing, and making a fool out of myself trying to convince you that you are better then what they say, you can tell me what to do and I will do whatever you say." I said with determine.

My cheeks redden as I remembered how we had an 'almost' kiss. I wonder what it would have been like. My lips on her lips. Her lips on my lips. Ugh, Ashton stop being delusional with yourself. It's never going to happen!

She was wearing only a bra and under ware!

She opened her eyes slowly and got up. She looked at me in shock.

"Where is your clothes?" she asked clenching her teeth and blushing.

"Where are yours?" I asked. She looked down and blushed like a freaking tomato. She then grabbed the blanket and covered herself. Causing her to see me only in boxers.

Oh my god, that was so funny! I thought we had sex or something and I was mentally freaking out but then I saw the video. It was pure comedy. I didn't want to make things awkward with Amanda. We just started being friends. Oh the good old times.

"I don't like you." she says crossing my arms and pursing her lips.

"I know,you like Blondie." I say with disgust.

"Who's Blondie?" she asks,raising an eyebrow.

That day is when I realized that I felt something more with Amanda. My blood started to boil and my veins were popping out of my neck. I was so mad that day. How could she just talk to another guy like that? And he was the exact opposite of me I don't know what she was trying to do. But what she did do was make me a hell lot jealous. Its just like that other time when Amanda and I were talking to Harold.

."Oh yes my son." he chuckles." He is about your age. Maybe I will introduce you to him. He will love to meet a nice young lady as yourself." he says only to Amanda.

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