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Dedicated to @silvercitylily her comment made me smile and so yeah.I really appreciate when you guys comment,I feel like someone actually enjoys my sucky writing. :)

I was currently sandwiched between Ashton and the wall. I felt my checks redden as I blushed, fortunately,he can't see that.

"Shh." he whispered, the touch of his lips brushing over my ear sends goosebumps down my spine.

You might be wondering why I am in this position,Yes? Well we are hiding from our  principap by a shelf. Without any warning, he crashed his body onto mine and I was sandwiched between him and the wall. I feel like the cream part of an Oreo. Poor cream, they probably feel more uncomfortable than me.

How  did we get here, in this place, at this time?

Well that's a good question.

-Earlier that morning-

"Do you really think this is going to work?" I asked,studying his reaction.

"Yeah." he nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, but if we get in trouble its you're fault." I said sternly, and poked his chest.

It's 4:00 in the morning and Ashton came knocking at my door. He is lucky that I answered the door, I can picture my mother opening the door and freaking out. But unfortunately he had to see how I looked in the morning. I feel for him, my hair was pointed in every direction and I was wearing a tank top and p.j shorts.

But he didn't care. What a gentleman, ehh not really. He walked in and told me the plan. We were going to go to school around 5. Once we reach there, we would break in the principal's office and grab the documents. By the look on his face, he was overly excited.

I let him in my room telling him I was going to shower and get ready for school.

After around 20 minutes, I finished my shower. So drying my hair is what I am doing.Once I've done that, I made a waterfall braid. I always wear different braids to school.It's my thing, be jealous!

"Hurry up!" Ashton said, banging on my bathroom door.

"Wait just a sec!" I replied, while hopping around trying to put my knee high socks on while standing. But instead I fell flat down on my butt. Kids do not try to put on a sock while standing!

I opened the door and was suddenly was taken down stairs, fast. I was stumbling trying to run with him.

"A warning would have been nice." I said,while fixing my uniform.

"We won't have much time. Look." he said pointing to the clock by the kitchen. 4:50am, time flies.

"Aw we have to skip breakfast." I groaned, stomping my feet like a child.

"Your fault."  he said walking out the door. "And I already ate." he smirked.

"What ever."

I enter my kitchen grabbing a granola bar and writing a note to my mother. Saying that I went to school early with a friend.

The drive to school wasn't that long, being that I live near it. I wonder how long this was going to take. First we'd have to get in the school. I feel like undercover detectives at there first mission and really bad one's. After we had gotten to the school, we'd have to shut all the security cameras or avoid being caught on it. Then we'd have to get in the principal's office. I swear Ashton is going crazy.

How are we going to do this? Especially in only two and a half hours!

After that ludicrous excuse for a breaking to our school, we'd have to figure out where the documents were. I have not the slightest clue how we are going to do this, let's just hope that the odds will be in our favor.

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