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This chapter is dedicated to @KeyTree004 because her book is amazing and its an all in one book.I guarantee you will love it! <3

"He is right you know that?"Ashley stated while licking her cherry lolly pop.

"I know,but I can't help but fell insecure.The prettiest girl in school called me ugly."I said hugging myself as a light breeze came in from the window.

Telling Helen and Ashley about what happened with Ashton and I,was probably the most stupidest thing I have ever done.They were jumping around screaming that he secretly is in love with me.They have weird theories.I mean seriously Ashton and I together,that's like putting syrup on pancakes.Okay those are actually really good together.But when I mentioned  Britney they were furious and they were mad at them selves because they did'nt know about it.

Ashley and I quote said"Hey on a completely unrelated topic do you know where the nearest gun shop is?"Ashley is never  violence but she sure was pissed.Helen and I laughed,but she didn't.She was so serious It took me forever convince her that its alright.

"Yeah and the hottest guy in school called you beautiful."Helen said snapping me out of my thoughts.She kept stuffing ice-cream in her mouth.How is she not fat?I hate this cruel world.

"Not to mention stunning,amazing,and plenty more."Ashley continued throwing a wink at Helen.Helen nodded in agreement.

"Exactly so you tell me who wins.Stuck up brat or Hot guy who loves you?"she questioned raising one eyebrow and holding her hands up like a scale.But she really looks like a tea pot.

I slid out my phone and showed them the last part of my chat with him.Because I can't show them the elevator topic.There reactions were priceless.Ashley gawked over the phone and jumped on top of me trying to grab it.While Helen on the other hand was telling me that we are going to get married at have 32 kids.At least be realistic girl I don't think I can physically go through that.I bet no one can.

"Did you not read 'friends'."I said once I had reach of my phone.

"Didn't you say you guys almost kiss?"Helen asked.

"Maybe?"I trailed of biting my lip.I then stared at my phone wondering if he is going to text me any time soon.

"Yeah,but some girl stopped them because there were to cute to function."Ashley said in the matter of fact."Who was she?"she asked.

"Honestly I have no clue."I said with disappointment. 

"Oh my gawd Ashley I think I'm going to have to go on a diet.She is going to get a new boyfriend.Help!."Helen cried.

"It's okay Helen.She won't make you go on a diet."Ashley said smacking Helen's stomach."You don't need it."she continued.

"Yeah what type of friend would I be forcing you to go through a nutritional diet?Probably the worst."I said with complete sarcasm and crossing my  arms while nodding.

"Right.So are you feeling it with him?"Ashley said while doing the shimmy.I laughed and moved her away.

I then jumped on my comfortable bed and hugged the sheets.The sheets were the softest thing to human kind,I'm telling you really.Helen and Ashley followed me.Both laying on opposite sides,having me in the middle.Helen nudged me waiting for my answer.I kicked my feet up and down playing with my friends feet.I then giggled and so did they.They suddenly stopped and I turned my head towards them.I realized that they are still waiting.

"I don't think I'm ready.You know because of him."I said pulling off a fake smile.But them being my friends and saw right through it.

"Ugh that prick I can't believe he used you."Helen said.

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