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Dedicated to @AmandaC152 for the cute cover up there. It's not necessarily a cover but it's so cute :) This chapter is also dedicated to @I_love_Jelsa_. for giving me the idea with Harold and stuff ;)

Don't forget to vote comment and etc.

*Amanda P.O.V*

"So you two met how?" My mother asks raising an eyebrow. She dips her fork in her food still maintaining a playful look.

Groaning, I narrow my eyes skeptically then glare at her. My mom looks at me with a sweet smile and shrugs.

Oh great, now she thinks were together. Like actually together. She is going to be asking questions that are not important and say embarrassing things. Maybe this wasn't the best idea I have ever had.

"A school project." Ash answers,fortunately.

"Yeah we are interviewing a doctor." I say just in case anyone caught us with the documents.

"What's the doctors name?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Harold smith." Ash and I answer unison.

"Oh I know that doctor and so did your father."

"Really?" I ask my mouth opened and my eyes wide.

"Yeah he was a detective." My mom informs us.

We already knew that he was a detective, actually. Ash told me I was surprised and checked for my self. I find it a little bit amusing how my mother is telling me this. Shes really helping us with the case.

"He worked with your father. They were both doctors at the time when you father found out. Your dad told me that he was actually a agent and was working on a case. Something with a homicide in an elevator."

"Really now?" I ask getting more interested.

Okay so yeah I knew he was a detective, but this is wow. He is, actually was, a detective for the elevator case. But what made him stop? Did he just give up like that? What did he find out? But most importantly, why did he even begin to do it?

That guy is hiding something and I'm getting more and more curious to what it is.

Ash looks at me and raises an eyebrow. He's just a bit startled with this as well. It's very shocking and I wouldn't expect anything else from him. He is most definitely thinking of the worse scenarios right now. A low giggle escapes my lips at the thought of Ash freaking out in his head.

Every one at the table gives me a weird look. I shrug and smile unwillingly. It's non of there business anyways, they shouldn't be judging me. My mom continues.

"Yeah he's also a very good doctor you will learn a lot from him." my mom smiles.

Mom was very proud of my decision of becoming a nurse. She was happy that I was comfortable to do it and following my fathers foot steps.

"Thanks mom." I smile.

"Im going to the bathroom." Sarah announces with a smile as she leaves the room.

We continue to talk about random things. Suddenly Sarah comes in and walks to me. I give her a questioning look, but she continues to walk towards me. I get this anxious feeling in my stomach and begin to feel nervous. Sarah's face stays the same solemn and curios, maintaining eye contact she smiles.

Wait what? Is she smiling now? Oh goodness I hate when she does this.

"What is this?" Sarah asks, furrowing her eyebrows as she holds up one of my files.

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