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Throws a dart.

"In your face, literally!" I cry, jumping around the room doing a happy dance.

I'm currently throwing darts on Ashton's face, It's a great way to release anger. He is such a jerk 'You're you'  his words circling in my head. Is there something wrong with me? No, I'm just a normal teenager who happens to throw darts on people she loathes at the moment.

Anyways, after he said that I was astonished. Once I snapped out of my shocked moment, I saw Ash's friends smirking. Like they knew this was going to happen.Was Ash just being with me to do this, to humiliate me in front of his friends?

So I slapped him on the right cheek. I hope it left a mark.

I think his friends have something to do with why he said that. But there is still no way that I am going to forgive him.

-Throws another dart-.

"What happened this time?" Helen asks walking in my bedroom with no warning. I jump from surprise and I here Ashley snicker.

"No need to act surprise. You texted us S.O.S and then 'I am going to kill him'," Ashley laughs, showing me her phone as if it was evidence.

I watch Helen look at the dart board and see Ash's face. She gulps and look back at me.

"W-what d-did he d-do?" Helen stutters. Ha,well she is obviously horrified at the moment.

Her best friend is throwing darts at her ex-friend.She is probably scared what I would do to her.

"Hahaha,it's okay Helen you don't need to be scared." I assure her while laughing. "Especially from me." I say
with a fake warning.

"If it's anyone she would be scared of its you." Ashley confirms, nodding her head pleased with herself. I look at Helen and see she is nodding too and smirking.

"You both are butt faces!" I shriek. "Now I need you're help with revenge." I say rubbing my palms together and licking my lips, my eyes were sparkling with anger. To sum it up, I look like a freak.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Ashley asks.

"It's the only way we can help you." Helen says.

"Okay." I answer.

I then begin to tell them, from when Ashton and I became friends because of a 'school project', to how he acted during this afternoon. I hate lying to my friends but I can't tell the about the elevator. What am I going to say 'Oh so Ash and I got stuck on the 3rd floor elevator. Did you know the rumor was true? There was a freaky girl our age calling someone so Ash and I were going to work on a case to see if it really was an accident.Because one, that's completely conceivable.

Sarcasm right here. They would probably send me to a Mental Institution.

And also if they is for some reason they do or they witness it with me to check. I don't know what would happen, something bad for sure. So that leads to why I have to lie to my besties. It's for the best really.

Once I finished with my rant, I looked at my friends. Helen was eating popcorn and was looking at me waiting
for more. Where did that girl find popcorn? I will never know with her. On the other hand Ashley had her arms
crossed over her chest and smirks evilly. Well at least one of my friends have a plan for me.

"I know what you should do!" Helen cries.

I look at her shocked. How can she have an idea, all she does is eat.

"You should make your life into a book." she started. I look at her dumb founded, what the actual heck! A

book, really? She continues to eat and then looks at her popcorn bag and frowns. She probably has none left.

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