Chapter 14 || Shut Up

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(Just a PSA, may be content later on in the chapter)

Your POV

By the time I am showered and dressed, the party is already alive and thriving. I make my way over to the main room and am immediately met with hundreds of eyes. It's like the entire room begins to slow down the second I step foot in the party. All the guys smirk at me, eyeing me up and down to my own uneasiness, suddenly growing self-conscious but simply covering it up with my own Stark expertise. Eyes land on Wanda who I catch skirting over my figure with her gaze. Unlike with the guys, I only feel more empowered by that look she's giving me. When our eyes meet I spot her cheeks change to a rosey red before she snaps her head down to look at her fiddling fingers.

I let my legs carry me over to the bar where Natasha's standing, making drinks behind the counter.

"How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" I jokingly say while letting my eyes scan the room, seeing the amount of people flooding the area with laughter, dancing, kissing and booze.

"Fella done me wrong."

With a quirk of my eyebrow, nodding at the beer that she retrieves for me, I sip on it and shrug,

"You got a lousy taste in men, kid."

Nat flickers her eyes up to me, an unknown glint glistening in them before she mixes up a drink, sipping on it herself before eyeing me over. I notice her eyes resting on my chest area, to my own pride and ego I lean in closer, allowing her to get a better look for herself. She wants to stare, I can play the game.

"Who said the fella was a man?" She says lowly as she shoots me a pointed look that sends chills throughout my body but in the most positively electrifying way. I can feel a heat building up below my stomach but I ignore it to keep up the conversation.

"Well then, you got a lousy taste in women."

A corner of her mouth turns up in amusement as her eyes shimmer, green looking up at me through her lashes.

"She's not so bad. She's still adjusting, kind of has a head bigger than Texas, tries to act like this big tough person but...deep down she's just a softy. She's actually kind of part is that she's not like anyone I've ever known."

Tossing back a swig of beer I clear my throat, glancing around the party to see if anyone's noticing this conversation. Swinging back around to focus on the former spy, my smile spreads out, thinking about how she said I'm not like anyone she's ever known.

"She sounds pretty great."

Nat nods before raising one eyebrow simply at me, flirty glimmer in her eye, "she's also a mystery novel."

A buzzing lands in my head as I flush red, starting to feel the need to apologize for being so protected by my walls, hiding behind my sarcasm to everyone. But she beats me to it.

"It's a good thing I love reading, right? And I never put a novel down until I read it cover to cover."

She looks down at my lips, then back up to my eyes. My body starts to heat up even more but I push it all down to keep Nat's ego at bay. I know what game she's getting at. She's a great flirt, I'll hand it to her, but so am I.

"So what do you think? Should I put the book down or turn the page?"

I finish my beer and smirk mischievously at her while grabbing for her drink. She watches patiently, not breaking eye contact until I speak.

"I think that you should at least get to the climax."

Her eyes slightly widen in surprise at my response but I don't give her a chance to respond. I toss her martini back in my mouth until the entire glass is empty, then place the glass in front of her. She swallows a lump down in her throat, placing her fingers on the glass gently, turning to fill it again for herself. Before she can, I grab her arm and pull her towards me, my lips resting just beside her ear.

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