Chapter 20 || Whatever It Takes

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Your POV

The ride is quick but silent.

Wanda nor Nat speak to me. Both just stealing glances every other second, Wanda fiddling with her fingers, Nat discussing the plan with Clint and Tony, taking breaks to check on me. I'm talking with Steve and Sam about what the plan is, Steve then rounds everyone up. He gives us positions on where to go, then we get ready to head out.

"Y/N, please just for a minute."

I turn to face Wanda who waits for everyone to be out of earshot. When she recognizes that we're in the clear she pulls me into a tight hug. Her breathing is staggered, close to hyperventilating. I feel a dampness on my shoulder, telling me she's crying. I wrap my arms around her frame and hug her back.

"What's wrong?"

"Please. Be careful, Y/N. Please."

I chuckle as we pull away but she shakes her head, wiping her tears away, "please. This isn't a joke. I can't lose you."

I feel her in my head, like I can hear her heart racing, I can hear her fear in my head, feel her concern. Her thoughts are reeling and the volume of her fear only increases by the second. Gripping her hand, I pull her closer to me and kiss her forehead.

"I'll be okay."

Her sad and fearful eyes start to relax but I feel something bubble up inside of me. They all have every right to be worried, not that Hydra would take me, but more so that I would let them if it meant protecting this family.

"And family protects one another, at all costs. No matter what."

I breathe in as Wanda walks past to meet the others but I grab her by the wrist, "wait."

She turns towards me with scrunched up eyebrows, wondering what I was about to do but before anything I press my lips to hers, trying to tell her everything about my heart and feelings through the contact. She melts into it, reciprocating the same and when we pull away I feel my eyes starting to sting with forming tears.

"What was that for?" She whispers at me weakly. I smile back the strongest that I possibly could before leading us off the jet where everyone is preparing to move out. Nat looks at me, "Where have you been?" She notices Wanda behind me and I can already see the anger building inside of her before she clears her throat, keeping her composure for the sake of the mission.

Well fuck.

"Nat, Y/N and I will meet them around here, make sure to save people first, get them to safe areas. Wanda, that's where you come in. You lead the civilians to safer locations, drivers, people on the streets, in buildings, get them out." Steve continues explaining everything until we break.

Wanda stands before Steve, Nat and I, breathing nervously before I nod at her.

"You got this Red Eyes, show them what you're made of." I smile encouragingly at her and Steve pats her shoulder.

"I got Y/N's back. I promise."

Wanda just nods, "good luck." And with that she flies off to help everyone. Tony, Clint and Sam have already set out.

"You sure you can handle this?" Nat says as we enter a building, fighting off Hydra agents one by one. Shrugging as I grab one and use him as a shield against his buddy's bullets, then speeding over to the other one to knock him out, I smile at Nat.

"Think I got it under control."

We move until we are on a main street, nearly empty until,

"Cap! Long time no see my friend."

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