Chapter 17 || Yes I Did

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Your POV

The next two weeks are spent with the team all training, following leads on Hydra but getting nothing. I've been on only one of the missions, the rest is usually just Clint, Steve, Nat and Tony. Wanda and I haven't spoken a word all week. Every single time I see her she ignores me, or leaves a room the second she sees Nat and I together.

Speaking of Nat and I, we've spent nearly every single night together, trained together every morning. I've mostly been helping Bruce and Tony get any information they can get on Hydra. We work on my abilities, Thor helping me by actually training with me outside so we can use our powers. Tony joins every now and then but leaves to see Pepper. He has taken me to see her a few times. I have grown fond of the woman, very clearly understanding that she is the only woman in the world who could possibly put up with my jackass of a brother. I give her credit for that. Seeing them together, I just know that she's the one for him, which makes me happy that he is so loved by someone, and actually cares about someone other than himself.

Well Pepper and me, of course.

I'm running with Nat...well running circles around her. Perks of super speed. She curses me out every time I pass her.

"You're being a douche, you know!"

I do it again and laugh as I go for another lap but trip due to her sticking out her foot. I land on the grass with a grunt and she walks over to me with a prideful smile.

"What? You didn't see that coming?"

She winks and helps me up. I chuckle and shake my head as we walk back inside the compound.

"You know Romanoff, sometimes I think you just like to abuse me."

I spray my water bottle at her which makes her shriek, "Y/N STARK!" I giggle as I run away from her. I hear her chasing after me but I keep running around her, using my speed to push her onto the couch. She gasps when she hits the sofa, looking up into my eyes with nothing but bright sparks of joy in her eyes.

"You didn't see that coming," I whisper as I lean down and place my lips on hers. We kiss until Clint comes up, pushing me so that I squeal and fall onto the ground.

He just laughs as he walks away from us, "take the PDA elsewhere horn-dogs."

Nat helps me to my feet laughing and we head to the shower together. When we come out, Nat is called onto a mission with Steve and Sam. Tony leaves to see Pepper, Clint leaves to be with his kids, Bruce is with Helen Cho and Vision in the lab.

That leaves just me and Wanda. I walk into the kitchen where I see her cooking something.

"Smell's good," I say. She jumps in fear, clearly not expecting me to be there. When she sees it's me, she settles and nods gently, "thanks."

Swaying back and forth on the balls of my feet, I decide to just walk over and sigh, preparing myself for this conversation.


"What is there to talk about." She says blandly, not tearing her gaze from whatever she is making. She stirs a spoon in a pot, looking around at spices to throw in but I grab her hand to stop her. She turns to me, looking me in the eyes but averting her gaze quickly.

"Wanda come on. You've been avoiding me the past few weeks. The last time we actually were this close to one another you blasted me into a ceiling. What's going on?"

Her gaze falls and I can read her guilt through just her lips at this point. She turns her head and wipes at her eyes but shakes her head, focusing back on cooking.

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