Chapter 27

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A black sedan is outside my house.

I'm used to having unfamiliar cars parked on our street. We live in a neighbourhood with rich retired people who have grandkids and family that come over all the time. But it's the tinted windows that set me off.

I try not to pay attention to it, but after Jackson told me that my family is in danger, my guard has been up. I haven't left the comfort of my home in the past twenty-four hours and I intend on keeping it that way.

I haven't seen Ethan since the club two nights ago, and Jason seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth, which isn't unusual. The two of them always go off and do their own thing, and I know I'm being paranoid, but I would appreciate a text message to know that they're safe.

Their absence is bothering me tonight. It might be because of what I said to Ethan. I want to set things right. Regardless, it doesn't feel like home here. Just an empty shell, with one man left standing.

I collapse onto my bed.

My bones are aching for another coffee, but I deny it the freedom that caffeine gives it. I haven't slept properly in days and studying is draining my energy. I send a quick goodnight text to Camila and throw my phone across the sheets.

It faintly buzzes at the end of my bed and I shut my eyes.


The door creaks, startling me awake. "Jason?" I croak, clearing my throat.

"It's Camila." She says.

I squint with lazy effort, taking a few minutes to gather my thoughts "Camila?"

She flicks on the light and I'm momentarily blinded "How did you get a key-" When my eyes adjust, I take in her ashen features and jump to my feet, ignoring the chill "Hey, what's wrong? What happened?"

She shakes her head, fighting back tears. It's not long before she looses the battle. Her eyes are red and swollen. Her cheeks are pink and puffy. "I thought I was done crying." She sniffles. "I'm sorry."

"Come here." I sit down, patting the bed beside me.

She sinks down, and I wrap my arm around her, giving her shoulders a tight squeeze.

I let her cry, giving her time to answer, rubbing her back in a soothing motion.

"I betrayed you." Her tears fall through my top. "I'm so sorry." She stutters.

"Betrayed me? What? What do you mean?" I'm still half asleep and knocked senseless.

Her lips tremble. "You're going to hate me."

"Camila." I sigh, "I'm sure it's not that bad."

She nods insistently, "It is."

"It is because I fell in love."

I rear back. What? "With who?" Please don't say Peter. Please. Please. Please.

She shakes her head. "I didn't want to say anything." She sits back, wiping away her tears. "You were so stressed with the nightmares and your family and Mr Lorenzo."

God, I've heard this before. I grab her hands in mine. "Camila. Whoever it is-"

"Your brother." She blurts out.

The air escapes me.

"I- I joined the gym, and Jason was just there. Every Sunday. At first nothing happened, but then we started heading out for lunch or whatever." She looks up at the ceiling, avoiding my gaze. "And the next thing you know, we're- together. And I was so scared to tell you, so we made you believe Jason was at work on the weekends."

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