Chapter 44

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Next update is coming out on Monday x Sorry for missing yesterday's. A lot of things happened this week that I didn't expect, and it threw me right off track.
Hope all of you are keeping well! Can't believe that this book is almost finished, I think there are 7 chapters left haha😳

What's your favourite scene so far? x

The sun is rising through grey trees, and the wind fills the delicate holes of silence through the open window.

Romero has been quiet for the past hour. It wouldn't be unusual... if the man was sleeping. It's killing me on the inside to know that he's just laying there.

The worst part is, he's inching further away as time goes on. I think I have convinced him I'm sleeping, which leads me to believe he's trying to slip off the bed unnoticed.

A few more minutes pass and he rises softy, careful not to wake me, then leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

When he's gone, I jump up into a sitting position and stare at the closed door; the sheets growing cold around me.

I tear them off, hardly believing this moment. He has the audacity to touch me and then walk away as if nothing happened.

I fist my hands at my side and storm into the bathroom, shaking my head as I step into the shower. Hot water blasts down my body and I savour the scalding feeling, imagining the memories from tonight spiraling down the drain. I'm so stupid. So stupid for trusting him with my body.

I mean, if only the man learned to talk...maybe then we could act like civil people and work through things together. I don't even have the energy to think about why he's acting strange, but I can't help but question it.

Is he thinking too far ahead into our impractical future?

I slip through the door, and my hand tightens around the ledge.

He's standing at the window, looking out at the sunrise. Shorts hang low at his hips and the rest of him is completely bare and golden against the sun. Behind me, steam billows out of the bathroom and my hair drips onto the floor with a soft patter as the world comes to a painful stop.

He turns with hands in his pocket, eyes raking over my toweled body.

"You're awake." His eyes meet mine and, shamefully, I lose my breath.

He steps forward and I back away. "Don't."

A crease forms between his brows when he frowns. "Amara," He starts.

"What do you want, Romero?" I cross my arms over my chest, feeling exposed despite being covered.

He sighs and rubs his temples.

I shake my head "Save whatever you're going to say and just admit it, you regret what happened."

"What?" Genuine shock stifles him and he's standing in front of me before I can escape. I'm so filled with rage that I turn away from him when he grabs my face in his hands.

"Look at me." He demands, with a voice more powerful than my legs can handle.

My eyes water with frustrated tears, and he curses, pulling me into a hug.

"No, Mara." He holds me tightly, and his skin burns against mine. "I regret nothing. Okay?"

"Hey, look at me." He pulls back, but I can't meet his gaze.

"Please, just go away," I whisper. It's at this moment where I wonder if he simply left to get a glass of water.

"No." He snaps. "Listen. I have made it very damn clear I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. This is all very new to you and I'm not about to take advantage of that. I mean, is that what you want? For me to bend you over that bed and fuck you without giving you a damn second to breathe." The fire in his eyes is blazing again.

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