Chapter 1

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Thankyou JadeDBrown  for this amazing cover ❤️

This book is a work of fiction. It contains dark themes and may be sensitive to some readers. Please be aware.


Update 14/1/2022 : To anyone who is reading this book for the first time, I'm currently making a new draft which will be different from the original.
This version of Silent Sins has many faults and a lot of plot holes. If you're going to read this version, you must read the new version after in order to understand Defiance Wins (book 2 of Silent Sins) which I will release later this year.
The new version of Silent Sins is still being edited, if you want regular updates on my progress, make sure to follow my Instagram @Nila.Narrates or follow me on Wattpad to look out for announcements.
Happy reading!


The first day back at university was supposed to be great. I had plans to grab a coffee in the morning, throw on my lucky hoodie, jog around the block, carpool with Camila, maybe read a book or two in-between classes. Though when you attempt at planning your life... you know.

I trudged through my fucking morning. I guess sour milk does that to you. On top of that, my lucky hoodie wasn't looking so lucky inside the washing machine. It was like all the hair balls from the pipes had made their way inside the inner drum. For a frightening moment I thought our neighbour's cat had made its way inside.

Not to mention, Camila's car broke down on the way to mine.

Oh, but my luck didn't end there. We were promised high degrees and blistering sunshine, but then the clouds cried me a fucking river.

Now i'm thinking, fuck it.

Drenched by the rain, I shrug off my wet jumper and push it as far into my bag as gravity will let me. I can't stand to think of luck on a day like this. I might as well throw my money down the drain because I might get robbed on the way to class. The world works in wonders.

Mascara drips down my face and I curse myself for trying to make an effort for our last semester. I rinse my face under the cold tap and dab it with paper towels. As I pull myself back up, my black hair sags from the rain and my blue eyes resemble murky puddles. "You'll be home in just a few hours," I promise myself.

Lugging my bag over my shoulder, I head out of the bathroom and enter the eery hallways. It's different this time around. I'm not the scared kid who couldn't find their way around, or the nervous wreck that was anxious about meeting people. Over the course of a few months, I gained acquaintances, but none have been as close as Camila. We've been friends almost since birth, and it was just fortunate that we ended up on the same university course.

Room 203

Glass roof top windows cover the central ceiling within the building, but as I turn a corner, the natural lights fall behind me as I enter the older parts of the university. The empty hallways are quiet and the darkness protrudes the further I go.

It's colder here. I came to know that heaters falter around these areas, but I didn't take the news so literally, until now. Every hair follicle stands to attention and the chills only intensify when the wintry breath fans my neck.

I'm numb to the cold, but now, every fibre of my body bites, like black ice has frosted my bones. I don't realise how cold it really is until an unwelcome heaviness sinks on my chest. The cold has always been poor on my lungs.

Above, the dim lights flicker and I can't say I'm surprised. With how my morning is going, we might have a blackout. I squint through the dark halls, coming to a slow stop. The echo of my footsteps become silent and my ears grow numb. The light buzzes and the sudden urge to turn around overwhelms me.

Silent Sins ✓ ( book 1) Editing in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now