Chapter 46

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Where do I begin? First of all, I want to say i'm really sorry because I promised 5 chapters a week and that lasted for all of 2 weeks.
I haven't been feeling like myself recently and I'm getting a few tests done at the doctors (nothing major) x
Because of this, and work, I'm honestly very exhausted and I haven't wanted to edit at all. There are only 4 chapters left of this book, but I'd just like to remind everyone that there will be a...

Second book - Defiance wins
Third book - Eternal rings

After I've finished the first draft of this book, I will be doing a whole rewrite, so this book will hopefully be very different once I've actually put a structure to it xD

I will keep you guys updated on everything, and as of now, I'm not sure how long it will take me to edit those last four chapters. I am really pushing myself to do it because I need a break haha!
I hope all of you are doing okay x

PS: if anyone is interested in becoming a beta reader, feel free to DM me x Any amount of feedback would be so helpful ❤️

There's a soft knock at the door, and my eyes fall to Romero with effort. "Hey."

I set my phone down on the bed "Hi."

He pockets his hands.

Having removed his suit coat and tie, he stands with a dark calm that rests like grievance on those thick lashes, and the hair on top of his head is just as wild and untamed as his surrounding shadows. It's as if he's run his hand through it several times.

"What are you doing?"

I dismiss him with a shrug.

His gaze softens with guilt, but I refuse to let it deter me. "I'm sorry about earlier."

I almost laugh.

"Oh, good," I mutter sarcastically. "And suddenly I'm getting déjà vu. Let me guess, you're not used to this? Is this another one of your amazing excuses?"

"I mean it." The shadows in the room dance away at the sound of his voice. "I've been irrational and selfish."

Throwing vocabulary around isn't doing anyone any favours.

"Oh, so now you're up for talking about your emotions."

His jaw tightens, and he shuts his eyes like he's in physical pain.

"That's what I thought," I mutter. "I waited patiently for you to tell me what's on your mind and I got nothing-"

"Tell me about your nightmares." His pupils expand, despite the dim light.


His shrug is so soft that I'm sure I imagined it. "I don't expect you to, but if you want to, then tell me about them."

This is not what we were discussing. Has he lost his mind? "No."

"I thought as much." A cloud passes over the house, dragging the light away with it. I imagine he summoned it somehow; with those churning thoughts running so blatantly through his eyes.

"I have a terrible past, Amara." The room grows darker. Colder.

"Your thoughts might plague you in the night, but mine lay on my conscience throughout the day." He steps into the room and I tense.

"We all have our way of coping with our demons. Again, I do not expect you to tell me about what keeps you stirring at night. Even if you act differently, like; how you add too many sugars in your coffee, and when you're nervous, you talk excessively, or sometimes you frown into the distance like you're being tormented by your thoughts - or what lurks within your mind at least..." He trails off and I can't meet his gaze anymore.

Silent Sins ✓ ( book 1) Editing in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now