Chapter 15

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"You two have gone quiet." Matteo looks between Mr Lorenzo and I.

"Just tired." I shrug. I've hardly touched my pizza. It's a little difficult when a man from hell sits beside me. It's intimidating and I hate it.

Jason and Ethan know not to question my appetite. It always correlates with my sleep patterns. Nightmares leave me too distraught to eat.

I peer at the man beside me, knowing full well, that it's not the nightmares this time.

"I don't need to occupy silence to be comfortable." Mr Lorenzo pulls a hand out his suit pocket and runs his thumb along his bottom lip. My stomach clenches.

Matteo's eyes widen just a fraction before nodding dismissively.

"Right." Jason gathers his keys. "I didn't want to be the first asshole to call it a night."

Okay. Is everyone else just oblivious to his behaviour? It literally screams psychopath. How much evidence do I need to gather to prove it to them?

"I'm staying a little longer. Uncle Omar promised us free booze." Ethan grins, fist bumping Matteo beside him.

Jason rolls his eyes. I know what that means. He can't leave now. He's Ethans ride home. Crap, I should have driven here myself.

Romero sits back, and my shoulders grow stiff. Don't. Don't you dare offer. Nope. No. Fuck off. I will smack your head off the table- yikes. Maybe I'm the psychopath.

"I can drop you home." He lowers his voice.

My heart sinks and I flare my nostrils. The audacity. He thinks I will get in a car with him. I almost snort. He must be ill. Mentally. Or maybe he's terrible at reading into situations.

When I face him, his eyes brows are pinched with amusement. So he's not dumb after all. He knows exactly what he's doing. And the game continues. Hell, I don't even know what this game is. All I know is, right now, we're tying. But if I don't go with him, will that prove I'm intimidated? Will I lose? When did this become so complex?

Fuck that. I will walk home if I have to, or call a taxi. Anything to avoid being wound up dead on a sidewalk.

Now, how do I go about this?

Feathering a fake smile, I agree politely. "That would be lovely, thanks."

Beneath the table, I scroll through the internet and find a random taxi company. There's one in the area, perfect. I just need to get out of this restaurant without suspicion from Jason or Ethan. If I have to let them believe I'm going with the asshole beside me, then so be it.

We both stand together, and the whole restaurant turns to stare. For a moment it feels like they gravitate towards us and I refrain from keeping my head down. I shouldn't feel intimidated when wearing a dress like this. But it's the fact that they look shocked as their eyes dart between Mr Lorenzo and I. Like they're caught in an illusion. A moment of hypnosis. I don't know what to make of it.

I can understand the appeal for Mr Lorenzo. Though his eyes are brilliant blue, they carry the nightfall. A cold, dreary dusk. An unnatural tangle of currents, where hell awakens and life becomes misshapen.

For once, I can understand this man better, because when the world is watching you, you must watch them too. Is this why he's compelled to observe me? Do I look at him too often? My cheeks grow hot at the thought.

"Drive safe. Switch on the heating when you get home." Jason counters.

Stepping away from the table, I head out the restaurant into the fairy lit night. A posh line of cars stand outside as another rush of people enter the restaurant, handing their keys to the Valet.

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