Chapter 17

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I know exactly what you're thinking! Nila, you just made a statement about how you can't update because you have uni and you're stressed. I totally said that hahaha. But today I'm saying something different.

I dropped out of university to follow my writing dream and I am so scared! My future is so uncertain right now, but I'm back guys, with frequent updates coming your way x

I have got to say again, I am so, so grateful for all your support. Leaving university was a huge, life changing decision for me, but it's already making me happier. Because now I get to write for you guys, all day, everyday.

I can't say this enough, but I love you all so very much!


"Do I drop you off at home?" He peers at me, and for a moment, I'm convinced he's worried. Surely I'm hallucinating.

I swallow hard and lean back against the chair. The vile smell of smoke and piss rifts through his car and I almost feel sorry. I feel disgusting, like I've dunked my body in muddy water and hung myself to dry in the cold. "Yes." I wish the car would move faster because I don't know how much longer I'll last. The rising bile burns in the back of my throat and my body clenches with repulsion. What happens to people in traumatic situations? Are they calm before they ripple with chaos?

His stiff, white knuckled hand shifts gear as we head off the slip road and pick up speed.

Keeping my eyes trained on the road, I count objects to keep myself occupied. Four cars. Eight head lights. One, two, three, four, five trees. One street light. One sun. One-

"Why do you shake as if I've stuck you in Iceland?" He cocks an eyebrow. There's no amusement in his tone. Just dim frustration.

I manage a shrug and realise he can't see me. "Just need a shower." I mumble.

"A shower?"

I don't answer. Instead, I rest my head on the window, eyes flickering shut against the bright afternoon sun. Trees rush past in a blur, morphing into one blurry picture.

Mr Lorenzo committed his time to pick me up today. I don't know what kind of relationship he has with Jason, but it must be strong enough for my brother to trust him with my safety. I just can't figure out why. 

"Did you have work today?"

His bright blue eyes flicker towards me. "No." They rest on the road again, glowing under the sun.

His fresh scent rests on every inch of the car, and I focus on it, trying to rid the smell of Greg. It helps with the nausea. I'm like a dirty dishrag, reeking up his car. It's... embarrassing.

He steers the car to the side of the road, and I'm jolted upright when he slams the breaks. Sitting up alert, I clutch the grab handle for support. "What are you-"

"What happened back there?" His steel eyes are locked on the road before us, but we remain in a standstill.

I shrink into my chair. "What?"

He clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath. "Stop."

"Stop what- "

"This." He snaps, gesturing at me. "Who taught you to cower?"


He leans closer, filling the air with his cold breath. "Who taught you to look down when a man speaks to you?"

I'm silent for a moment. Startled by his assumption.

"I'm not." I defend.

"Yes, you are." He watches me closely but says nothing.

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