Chapter 7

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I don't want to believe that a man can be that cynical. I don't want to believe demons can live in human form. But here, I stand face to face with something I thought only lived in nightmares. In night bloody terrors!

I tilt my head, and his eyes focus on mine. He isn't oblivious to the calculations streaming in my head. Otherwise he wouldn't look so patient. He knows I'm onto him, and he doesn't even care.

I want to imagine he's complacent on the inside. Because right now, he doesn't seem pleased. In fact, he looks almost mad and I can't think of a reason why. If anything, I should be mad.

His jaw ticks and his eyes narrow. It's as if he's displeased by my presence. I want to tell him the feeling is mutual.

"How are the cakes going?" Jason rests his hands on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. "Hey, Romero."

Mr Lorenzo nods and alas, his eyes leave mine. It feels like it's lifted a weight from my body.

"That reminds me," Ethan snaps his fingers. "I left a few things in the truck. Amara, can you help Romero get them out of the car?"

What? No!

He can't possibly make me co-operate with him.

Ethan looses interest of the conversation before I can protest, and I know I won't get to him when he's head deep in flour. Seriously, he needs a shower.

Jason steps forward and glances over Ethan's shoulder, while I sink back into the hallway with a mind numb of thoughts. Immediately, I feel the unwelcome chills as he follows behind me. What would you do if the devil was at arm's length? Run? scream? Walk silently?

Because that's what I do. I'm as quiet as his footsteps. In fact, I can't even hear him breathing. He's like a ghost. Light on his feet, invisible to the ear.

So this is how he creeped up on me last night.

When I step outside, I feel as though he's inches from my skin, yet yards away from body. I'm unable to sense the distance between us. Where I should feel warmth from his proximity, I feel chills instead. Where I should hear his movements, I'm met with utter silence.

I hear the dangle of keys and Ethan's car flashes as it unlocks. Déjà vu comes unbidden.

My pulse slams against my wrists and my heart twists painfully. This is like last night all over again. I keep walking, as though I'm oblivious to the man's presence behind me, and open the boot of the car.

He stands behind me, and this time I feel his presence loud and clear. I fumble awkwardly with the bags and catch the small items that fall out the small hole at the bottom.

He reaches out and I still. Eyes wide and frantic, I watch as he places his hand on top of mine. They're warm, firm, endearing. The latter isn't a word I would ever associate with this man.

"You're so quiet" He muses. "I imagined you'd have a fiery character."

Don't let him get inside your head. Your mental health deserves better than to dwell on his bleak existence.

"I thought you'd have something to say to me." His hand squeezes mine, but it provides no comfort. If anything, it instils more fear. I make the mistake of glancing up at him. He's closer than I thought. Our lips are almost touching.

"You mean after getting my brother fired?" I snatch my hand away.

Why should I fear him this man? The depths of his despair are hidden, but I see right through them.

"You know what." I give a pitying smile. "Bring these in yourself. We wouldn't be lugging in sacks of flour if my brother still had a job." I turn to walk away, but I can't help myself. I need to say one more thing before I leave this asshole. "You know. I feel really sorry for you. Your life must be really miserable if you have to bring everyone else down with you." My fists clench uselessly at my sides.

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