1~Alyssa- First Day Back, Oh No!

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 1: ~♥Love on Tour♥~


"I'm wasted, wasting time

You talk for hours but you're wasting lines

A pretty face but the chase ain't worth the prize

I'm gonna break your little heart

Watch you take the fall

Laughing all the way to the hospital

'Cause there is nothing surgery can do

When I break your little heart in two."

The song "Break Your Little Heart" by All Time Low played from my alarm clock. I groaned but crawled out of bed and skipping to my closet grabbing clothes and going into my bathroom. As I showered All Time Low blasted through my speakers in my master bath. When I got out I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on a pair of black short shorts, way against school rules that ended a few inches above my mid thigh; my light blue tank top, also against school rules; my black heart shaped locket; and my black and light blue DC shoes.

I applied my make-up brining out my pale blue eyes better. After I approved myself apposite for school I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs placing my bag at the door. I walked into the bright white kitchen and opening the fridge taking out the bacon and eggs. After preparing the breakfast I went up to my little brother's room.

I slowly opened the door and saw his little body, watching the rise and fall of his chest. I tip-toed in and shook him lightly, "Kyle time to wake up." He didn't stir. I shook him a little harder, a smile spread on his face. I stood up and placed my hands on my hips sighing. "Alright I guess we will have to do it the hard way then." I smirked and started tickling his stomach, his eyes shot open and he began laughing hysterically.

"Stop Ali, please," Kyle cried grabbing my hands on his stomach.

"Ok, get dressed and get downstairs to eat."

"And what if I say I don't want to?" he questioned.

"Well then I will have to tickle you again." I started tickling him again; he squealed with laughter and started thrashing back and forth trying to remove my hands.

"Ok...ok...I'll...get...ready." he yelled through fits of laughter. I stopped tickling him and stood up leaving his room. Stopping at the entrance to his room leaning on the door hinge and watched as he climbed out of bed.

"Ok hurry up breakfast is getting cold." I left and shut his door running downstairs to reheat his food. He came bounding down the stairs ten minutes later in his school uniform; khaki pants, a white shirt, red tie, and a navy blue jacket. He sat at the table and I placed his food in front of him as he ate. I heard my phone vibrating on the counter so I walked over and leaned against the black marble counter unlocking my phone, it was a text from Sara.

'Where r u??'

I slipped my phone in my back pocket, not caring to text her back, and picked up a piece of toast nibbling on it. When Kyle finished I took his plate and put it in the sink rinsing it off. "Ok time for your first day. Get your bag and let's check to make sure you have everything." I grabbed his hand and we walked to the door, Kyle grabbed his bag and unzipped it. "Ok, a blue binder?"


"Markers, crayons, pencils?"

"Check, check, check."

"Three journals?"


"Ok you're ready. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and keys holding Kyle's hand down the driveway to my car. I opened the door and he climbed in the back seat, "buckle up." I watched him pulled the seat belt down and over his body buckling it in. I check to make sure it was tight enough and closed the door getting in the driver seat. Buckling up and started the car, I pulled out of my driveway.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now