30~ Critical Judgment- Ignorance

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I woke up around three-thirty; Sean was up and making a lot of noise in the back yard. I crawled out of bed and walked slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw Pam sitting at the table reading the paper. Pam was Sean's girlfriend, they have been dating for about three years and Sean was thinking about proposing soon. I was always jealous of Sean and his perfect relationship.

"Hey Jayden, Sean told me what happened. Would you like to talk?" I shook my head, "But I am a girl and I might be able to help?" I thought about it and nodded. I took the seat next to her.

"Well she kissed another guy and then I find out it is her ex and then she has to think about if she wants to be with him." I rushed out.

"Ok well what was her answer?"

"I never really heard, I was walking out the door."

"Jayden," she said sternly and I sighed, giving in.

"Ok long story short she said she was sorry and that she doesn't want him. She said she wants me but I never cared to listen to her and then as I pulled away she yelled that she loved me." Pam sat there for awhile just looking at me, but out of nowhere she reached out and smacked me up side the head, "Ow what the hell Pam?"

"Jayden you are an idiot and a douche." She yelled glaring at me.

"What, how?"

"Because you just left while she was crying and you never cared to listen to her. She told you she was sorry and that she loved you but all you did was leave her."

"Well anyone can say sorry but it doesn't mean they mean it."

"Yes but she was crying and that means she means it. You don't just cry over anything Jayden. She meant it and you just left like an ass."  Pam took my hand and I looked into her eyes. "Jayden you have to talk to her and forgive her. She probably never meant what happened."

I nodded my head, agreeing to think about talking to her. I stood up and said my goodbyes before going out to my car. I drove home thinking about how I was going to talk to Alyssa. But when I finally pulled up outside my house I was still at a loss of words to say to her.

I walked through the door and didn't care to glance at her sitting on the couch. I went up to my room and saw that she had already packed up her bags. I took a shower and then packed the small amount of clothes I brought along. By then it was already almost five so I had Mark grab out bags and take them to the car.

"You know you left her at a bad time. She ended up sleeping outside in a ball on the gravel crying" Mark said before leaving. My heart broke when he told me that, she slept outside on the ground, now I really did feel like an ass.

I slowly walked down the stairs, Alyssa was already waiting for me and I kept walking out to my car. She followed behind and we drove in silence to the airport. All throughout the ride there I stole glances her way, she was crying silently, her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were flushed red. 

It took awhile till we boarded the plane and when we took off Alyssa decided to speak, "Jayden." Her sweet voice whispered but I didn't say anything.

"Jay?" she whispered, again I stayed silent. I felt her tiny hand reach out and grasp mine, I let her hold my hand, since I couldn't talk to her, 'cause I had to idea what to say to her, so I let her at least hold my hand.

"Jayden please talk to me." She pleaded and I couldn't take it anymore so I pulled my hand out of her grasp and listened to my music. I had no idea what I should say to her so it's best I ignore her till I do.

She didn't talk to me the rest of the plane ride home. I looked at her a few times and saw tears streaming down her face. All I wanted to do was reach out and brush them away but I just focused on thinking about what to say to her.

When the plane finally landed we walked out and I saw my mother's car there, ready to talk us home. Kyle ran out when he saw Alyssa and pulled her into a tight hug. My mom got out of the car and joined the group hug, I just placed the bags in the trunk and gave my mom a hug before we all got in the car.

The ride home was silent, my mom asked a few questions here and there but she stopped when she saw the look I gave her. She returned a look saying 'we will talk about this at home'.

We dropped Kyle and Alyssa off at there house and made our way home. My mom staying quiet but when we got home and walked into the house she wasn't silent at all. "Jayden Anthony DeAvila." She said sternly and smacked the back of my head. I knew I was in trouble now. She only uses my full name when I get in huge trouble.

"Ow mom what was that for, you have no idea what is even going on and you smack me."

"Yes because I know this was probably your fault. Now get in the living room we are going to have a talk." I grudgingly walked off into the living room and sat down, my mother following me and sat in front of me.  "Ok explain, why was Alyssa crying and why were you ignoring her?"

"Well mother Saturday night I caught Alyssa kissing another guy. It turns out that this other guy is her ex and she said she missed him so I asked her if she wanted to be with him. She sat there and thought about it so I just walked out. She followed me t my car and was trying to make me stop but I didn't. I was about to turn back when she told me that she loved me but I didn't. I ended up staying the night at a friend's house." I took a deep breath and continued, "I was going to talk to her today but I didn't know what to say to her."

I looked up at my mom and she just gave me a sympathetic smile but it didn't last before she reached forward and smacked me again. "Ow, mom what was that for?"

"That was for hurting her so bad."

"But she hurt me too, really bad."

"I know but you have to talk to her. I see you want to talk to her and forgive her."

"I do mom, really bad. I don't want to lose her when I just got her. But I just don't know what to say. I mean she is a girl, I'm not the best at talking to a girl about feelings."

"Yeah it's pretty hard to talk to girls about feeling when you are a guy. Guys just don't get us girls and our minds but talk to her and just let the conversation take its own natural course." My mother stood up and walked over to the kitchen. "Ok I'm starting dinner, go unpack and get cleaned up."

I nodded and stood up. As I walked up to my room Luka followed me. I still had no idea what to say to her but I still had about twelve hours to think about it and I'll talk to her tomorrow at school.


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