6~ Critical Judgment- Hope Back!

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The guys and I packed our stuff up and left the room taking our sweet time. We were the last ones to leave and the hallways were emptying out as people went to class. Luckily our next class, math, was right down the hall. There were mostly guys in the halls so we weren't bombarded by girls. A few were following us to class and hanging on to Brandon and Derek's arms. As we approached the room Brandon and Derek bid their goodbyes to their new toys and we walked in the room. Apparently Alyssa was also in this class as we saw her in the far left back corner. She was surrounded by her friends; Sara was to her right and Alex sat behind her. There was a big bulky looking guy with long brown hair that fell over his hazel eyes. Another small looking kid sat to her left, he had dirty blonde long hair that was swept to the left side of his face covering his dark blue eye.

All the seats were filled exempt the four that were open, probably for us since they were surrounded by giggling girls eyes us. We walked to the back and sat down on the left side of Alyssa's group. Once we were seated all the girls got up and swarmed us; Brandon and Derek were enjoying it, Seth didn't seem to mind but he wasn't as into the girls as the other two little kids. I never really cared for girls, no I'm not saying I'm gay, I'm not. It's just yes I'm a player and I sleep around a lot but being back all I want to do is see Alyssa.

When the bell rang the group of girls walked away grumbling and took their seats as the teacher, a tall man with short black hair and black eyes around early thirties, walked in. "Ok, class we will be going over classroom rules and expectations." Everyone groaned and he went to his computer doing attendance, he passed out papers and discussed every word on the sheet.

When the bell finally rang everyone filled out and Alyssa went out with the blonde haired boy. As we left girls followed close on our heels, one girl ended up latching onto my right arm and practically glued herself to my side the whole way to history. When I got to the room the girl dropped my arm frowning and walking around from me. I sighed and went to the back as the guys all followed. "I haven't seen her yet today and no one knows her. The only Alyssa in this school is Alyssa Marino the one in our group."

"I don't know, you sure she didn't move and we don't know?"Seth looked down quiet disappointed that Alyssa might be gone.

"No I saw her last night." Brandon stated.

"You did?" I asked turning to him, I know he lived next store to her but he saw her.

"Yes, when I got last night home I saw her light on and she was passed out on her bed." Brandonlooked over to the girls that all of a sudden were around us, I was so focused on Alyssa that I never saw them arrive. I saw Alyssa walk in with the guy she walked out with come in and took the two seats on the opposite side of the room in the back. When the teacher walked in everyone quickly walked away and sat down.

Mrs. Simone went over the class rules and what we would be learning in class and projects we have this semester. When i thought the bell would never ring it did and i left going with the guys to the cafeteria taking a seat. Only seconds later girls ran over taking the seats around crowding us so we couldn't get out.

Alyssa was sitting on the far left away from all door and people; no one seemed to sit over near them. I saw her messing around with Alex and it got my blood boiling, I don't know why but I knew her somehow. I saw her stand up ten minutes before the bell was to ring and leave walking down the hall. I quickly excused myself following her; I wanted to talk to her alone with no distractions.

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