8~ Alyssa- Ideas1

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Thanks you guys for all the comments and FYI for those who like when i put it in the guys' POV i will continue with that!!! This chapter may be boring but oh well then dont read it. =D

I want to thank everyone for reading my story and that with everything going on it may take time to upload. I wanted to tell you guys that if i have too much trouble writing this story then i will be **Deleting** it!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, i got inspired from a movie i watched to help with the story, John Tucker Must Die (Love that movie and it did help a bit).

AND I wanted to thank Allysen A.K.A. Lollipop32997!!!! Thank you for the great and funny ideas, they helped with continuing this story!! =D




I was being shaken back and forth; groaning I opened my eyes a bit to see the person responsible for waking me up, Alex. "Hey she's up," Alex smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me up. I flew out of bed and into his arms, my eyes widening at the closeness of us and the fact that he pulled me out of bed. 

"What the hell Alex?" I yanked my arm out of Alex's grasp and took a stepped back crossing my arms over my chest.

"Its time for you to wake up and get ready for school, you're late missy." Alex scolded trying to sound like a mad parent before walking out of the room.

Sighing loudly I took a quick glance at the clock, it was eight thirty. "Wait Alex, where is Kyle?"

"I took him to school already so get ready so we can leave."

"Thanks Alex." I smiled softly and he returned it nodding before leaving my room.  I sighed as I listened to him walking down the stairs. Walking into my bathroom I took a quick shower and towel dried my hair before wrapping the towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom heading to my closet.

Out of nowhere a hand snaked around my waist; letting out a scream I elbowing the person in the ribs. They let out humph and let me go; stumbling foreword I turned around and was ready to punch them but I saw Alex. "What the hell Alex?" I yelled for the second time this morning.

"Sorry I had to do it, you should have heard you scream and your face, priceless." He had a huge grin on his face as he tried not to laugh.

"Get out Alex, I need to change." Glaring I pointed a finger at the door and Alex stood up from my bed he sat down on and left.

"You sure it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He smirked and I grabbed the pillow next to me whipping it at him. He ducked and left laughing his as off as I glared at the door and walked into my closet. I closed the door of the walk in closet, locking the door and dropped my towel. Walking over to my already laid out clothes I put on lace underwear and bra set, and pulled on black short shorts. I threw on my black cami and my dark purple elasticated detail off shoulder top, it was tight at the bottom going to my hips and then loose fitting at the waist and up. 

I put on my DC shoes, Dark Shadow Purple color, and grabbed my bag. Running into the bathroom I straighten my hair and then did my make-up as I always do. When I was satisfied with how I looked I threw my bag over my shoulder ran downstairs.

 "Finally you're read...." Alex stopped his sentence as he turned around and his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened as they went up and down my body. "You're looking great A."

"Thanks, let's go." I smiled and looped my arm threw his skipping out to his car.


When we pulled into the parking lot everyone was outside, "Alex why is everyone outside, what time is it really?"

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