22- Critical Judgment~ Explanation Part 1

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Check out the song to go with the chapter. I absolutely love this song, i dont know why but i love the lyrics!!!!!


 Not Edited!

We sat there in silence for a bit, Alyssa at my side. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she rested her head on my chest. Taking in a breath a sweet scent of jasmine invaded my nose, god she smells so good. I sat still trying to arrange in my head of how I could explain everything to Alyssa clearly.  "Jay?"

Her sweet, angelic voice broke me from my train of thought. I looked down into her bright, clear, ocean blue eyes. "Yes, sorry I was thinking of how to explain this to you." I reached down and start gently brushing my finger tips across her bare arm.

"Oh ok, well you can start by explaining what Sam has to do with this? Why he was saying he sent everything?" Mmm good questions, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Here I go.

"Ok well I know Sam." I was cut off by Alyssa.

"How do you know him?"

"Well my cousin Lily was recently married to Sam and Alex's Uncle Jace. So Sam and I got to know each other and he agreed to help me with this whole plan. Sam has nothing to do with everything I did he was just helping me out.' I looked down to see if she got confused by everything but she looked fine.

"Wait that's a bit weird, how old are they?" Alyssa had a disgusted look on her face. I gave a slight laugh and shook my head.

"It's ok Jace is twenty-three and Lily is twenty-two. Sam and Jace were born on the same day; teen pregnancy is a bad thing Alyssa so stop sleeping around please." I pleaded, i didn't want her to end up having a kid at such a young age, she already has Kyle to look after alone.

"Ok, well wait what happened to Alex? Where did he go after what happened that morning?" Alyssa sat up but kept her arm around me and got to my eye level looking into my eyes

"Alex was also part of everything. He would never hurt you I want you to know that." I saw as she was about to interrupt again but i beat her to the punch," Yes Alex helped. Sam convinced him and he knew that we were good for each other so he helped out. About Alex not being here is because he is gone, he left that morning to go live with his dad in New York. His mother was fed up with Alex's behavior." I saw unshed tears making there way to the surface and i pulled her into a hug.

I knew she liked Alex, they were best friends. He was here all those times to help her when I wasn't here. "And he never cared to tell me?"

"I'm sorry Yssa." I cooed and rested my chin on top her head.  She let out a sniffle and looked back up at me giving me a weak smile.

"So start explaining about everything? The charms," I knew she would want to know all that, but where to beginning.

"The whole story, details and all," I asked and she gave me a slow nod. This may take longer than expected. I slowly let out a sigh and began from where I thought was good. "Ok," she cut me off quickly.

"Tell me about how you got all those charms where they were. I never understood how you did all that and at the dance. When i left you how did you get to the hallway so fast?" Alyssa rambled and let out a long breath. I gave a slight chuckle and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Ok one at a time, I will tell you everything but first let me go to the bathroom and change out of these clothes." She gave a nod and crawled off of me. I felt the warmth of her body leave me and almost didn't want to get up. I wanted to pull her back onto my lap and just go to sleep.

But reluctantly I got of the bed and went to her bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and went to the far cabinet pulling the draw open and grabbing my clothes that i left here years ago. I slipped on the sweat pants and black tank top before my phone went off.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now