15~ Alyssa- Football Game

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Ok everyone this is my last chapter for the week. I have a family problem and I really can not concetrate on writing i'm sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter!! =D




Not Edited



We pulled up tot he school and parked the car pretty far away because most people showed up earlier. The game was starting in about ten minutes and i saw the player warming up on the field as we walked into the stadium. People were going crazy with excitement. As we walked through the big iron gates there were groups of friends scattered around everywhere.

Everyone was wearing our school colors, black, grey, and red. The bleachers looked pretty full i have no idea where we were going to sit. As i was gazing around Sara grabbed my hand and we walked of into the crowd. If Sara wasn't holding onto my arm I would have lost her in the swarm of people.

I ran into people at every turn and was pulled to the big bleachers in the center. We walked up the sliver stairs and walked down the aisle to the front row were two seats were reserved for Sara and I. That was weird, who would reserve seats for us? I sat down and pulled took my jacket off as the walked warmed me up.

The field was empty but as i thought the game was never going to start the voice of the Athletic Director came on the loud speaker. "Good evening Wolves Fans." The crowd erupted into cheers and shouts, when the noise subsided the announcer continued. "Today is our Homecoming Game and we are going up against the Panthers who are right now number one in the league."

As he said the name of our opposing team, they came running out. They players had their helmets on. They had on white pants and black jersey with a panther on the front being outlined by purple, the same logo was on their helmet. When the other team was on the field and was warming up, doing stretches the announcer continued on with his speech.

"Ok ladies and gentleman for our team, which is undefeated so far and are hoping to keep.  Let's give a welcome to our team, the Wolves." The announcer shouted and everyone stood up shouting. Sara and I stood and started clapping, but as the guys ran out in their black pants and the black jersey i had on i didn't see this number nine.

"Ok if the guys could all line up by the end zone we would begging the homecoming celebration." The guys ran off to the right end zone by the gates and lined up like they knew they were going to do this. This was my first football game so i had no idea what they were doing. 

The announcer went through the list of all the players and their positions. When he finished every one clapped, "Ok and the last four players we have. They are our most valuable players, without them we wouldn't have won all those games. Let's give it up to our Halfback, number twenty-eight Derek Emends!" I watched as Derek came running out with his helmet it hand to join the team, "Our Fullback, number forty Brandon Walker! Our Wide Receiver, number thirty-six Seth Martinez!"

Of course the guys would be on the football team, but where is Jayden? For sure if the others are on the team he would be also. As the crowd slowly started to quiet down the announcer continued on, "Ok and of course we would be no where without our quarterback number nine, Jayden DeAvila!" I watched as Jayden ran out with his black, sexy, messy hair swaying back and forth as he ran to the team.

When Jayden got to the center he turned and looked directly at me and winked, he winked! And then he was off to join his team in the game, what the heck just happened? But wait new question, who gave me Jayden's jersey to wear? Was it him, or someone else? Ugh why is life complicated!

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now