4~ Critical Judgment- Hope Gone!

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~ Jayden~

I woke the next morning with Luka barking in my face. Pushing his face away, I got out of bed yawning and walking into my bathroom with Luka following me. I jumped in the shower; the warm water running down my body relaxing my muscles. Once the water started getting cold I sighed and hopped out. I ended up tripping and falling to the ground with a loud thump; hitting my head on the tile floor I groaned as I rolled onto my back.  Luka was lying on the ground in front of the shower; he picked up his head looking at me like 'what?'

I sighed and got off the ground, there was a knock on my bathroom door. I could hear my mother yelling, "Jay, are you alright?"

"Yes mother I'm fine, Luka was in my way and I tripped." Grabbing a towel I wrapped it around my body as I left the bathroom and went to my closet.

"Yeah he gets in the way." My mom chuckled and walked away. "Hurry breakfast is ready and you have to go to school." She yelled up as she descended the stairs.

I pulled on my shoes and opened the door. As I left I was trampled as Luka raced out the door and down the stairs; I smiled and ran down after him.

I walked into the kitchen being blinded. The kitchen was pure white; white walls, cabinets, stove, fridge, the counters and floor. On top of that the blinds on the windows and glass sliding doors were open letting light flood in. "Mom trying to kill us?" I complained; she just laughed and set my food down on the table.

I took a seat at the kitchen table and started eating my toast with jam. "No, you are never home so you're not used to it that's all. Hurry up, the boys will be here." As she said that there was the sound of a blaring horn outside. I smirked and got up placing a kiss to my mother's cheek and grabbing my bag.

I ran outside to the car jumping in the backseat next to Seth, "Hey Jay trying to impress Alyssa with your muscles?" Brandon joked smirking at me through the rearview mirror.

"No just dressing normal." I smiled looking out the window. I was hoping Alyssa did notice how much I changed and changed for her. I wore dark blue skinny jeans and a black shirt that hugged my body showing off my muscles perfectly for the ladies.

Through the whole ride to school I blocked out Brandon and Derek's arguing, again and Seth yelling at them to stop. But when we finally pulled up to school and parked we climbed out the car. There were bodyguards stationed throughout the school for our protection.

There were two very big guys standing at the doors to the building wearing all black with white bold words saying 'Security' on the front of their shirts, and sunglasses. Their backs pressed against the wall and their arms folded across their chest making their biceps bugle out more. We walked through the parking lot; it was dead because everyone was inside already so it was good to have peace. The guys and I walked up the steps stopping to talk to the two guards, Chris and Vinnie.

"Hey guys Long time no see." Brandon walked up giving both guys a man hug. Brandon was always outgoing and the crazy one. Derek was like that too but not as bad as Brandon; Derek was more mature. Seth was the smart mature one that broke up most arguments between the two little kids, Brandon and Derek. I on the other hand was the quieter one, I used to be crazy and awesome but I guess I lost all that without Alyssa to keep my inner kid there.

"You guys ready, everyone has been waiting for you." Chris got off the wall and stood next to Seth. Chris was the same height as me, six foot three and had short shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes. Vinnie was a little shorter; around five foot nine and had short spiky blonde hair and black eyes. We all nodded and stood in front of the door, Brandon to my left and Seth to my right. A bodyguard on either side for our protection we entered the school.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now