34~ Alyssa- A Place Where I Belong

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Ok I am back and will be posting everday from now on until this story is finished (unless There is another situation). This chapter is a bit boring so i'm sorry for that.

Song for the chapter, check it out (It is also one of my favorite songs since I got it on my Ipod!) : 'Wonderland by Natalia Kills' I was suppose to add more to the chapter but no time. So this song will be for the next chapter really

I dedicate this chapter to my good friend Leah (Miniloverleah)!! She is awesome and has always supported me, even to post my stuff on here. She is my great friend!!!

Oh and before I forget here is a what the new book i'm writing is about. I ma hoping to post it soon and this is one of my favorites by far.

Pretty on the Outside: Morgan was born in the Canberry Zoo. She leanrs about the curse that has been bestowed upon her family, this curse makes her stay in only her shifted form, a black leopard, untill the full moon when that is the only time she can turn human. But when she sets her eyes on Zeke Masters and falls for him in her human form what will happen to the couple? Is Zeke able to break the curse? With the help of Zeke's friends he gets close to Morgan in both human and leopard form when he finds out her horrible situation.
~Let me know what you think, I started typing it already but won't post for a little bit~


Not Edited!

Enjoy this chapter!!! =D



When school finally let out Sara and I slowly walked out to my car. As we passed the football field I saw the guys playing a somewhat friendly game of football. The guys were being very rough, tackling anyone in there way to the ground where they got covered in mud.

Jayden played as quarterback, of course. When the ball was tossed back to him he faked left and ran down the middle, as his team mates blocked. No one even touched Jayden as he ran down the field for a touchdown.

"Guys sure look hot when they play football." Sara commented next to me as we watched.

"I know right." I said breathlessly as we sat on the ground to watch the rest of the game.

"I need to date a football player."

"You have Ricky and he is better than a football player."

"Are you trying to steal my man now?" I looked at her in disbelief, my mouth hanging open. "I'm kidding Aly, gosh close your mouth." Sara cracked up laughing as she turned away from me. Shaking my head at her I faced the field as the ball was hiked again.

When the guys finally finished playing it was about an hour later. Of course Jayden's team won and it was all thanks to the awesome cheerleaders Sara and me. Jayden and the others walked over to us as we stood and met them half way.

"Great job guys," I smiled brightly and high fived them.

"Yeah I know we are awesome but you suck at being a cheerleader Alyssa. I think you lost your touch." Jayden comment and ducked as I went to punch him.

"Shut up Jayden, I was fine. I know it has been like two years since I last cheered but I did not suck... that bad." I mumbled the last two words and turned away from everyone as they laughed.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now