32~ Alyssa- A New Start

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"I am sorry Alyssa, for how I acted towards you. I should have listened to you and I was being stupid for leaving you. But I really don't want to lose you again. I know that for a fact." Jayden grabbed my hand and placed a light kiss to my knuckles and pulled me into his chest.


"Yes really, I don't care about what happened anymore. I just want to forget and be with you. You know if you still want to be with me?"

"Yes Jay I want to be with you, I meant everything I said that night before you left."

"Even the part where you said you love me?" he whispered and I stiffened, I forgot I said that. I nodded and pulled back to look at his face, his perfect face.

"Yes Jayden I meant that one hundred percent." A goofy grin formed on his face and he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Good," he grabbed my face and kissed my hard and desperately on my mouth. When he pulled back we were breathless and he whispered, "Because I love you too." He hugged me again tightly.

"Jayden we should get to class, we are already late." I pulled away and held his hand. He nodded and pulled us forward toward the class room. At that very moment I got an idea, I wanted to be with Jayden and so I would be closer to him.

I stopped walking and Jayden turned to look at me, "Alyssa what's wrong?"

"Nothing but go to class, I need to use the bathroom. I will see you later."

"Ok," Jayden gave me a soft kiss on my cheek before walking off to class. I turned on my heel and headed to the front of the school. Looking back and forth making sure the hallway was empty I walked out the front doors and to my car.

When I got in my car I pulled out my phone, "Hello." He mans voice answered on the other line.

"Hey so I was thinking, can we meet up and talk?"

"Awesome Alyssa, see you soon." And with that we hung up.



Not Edited!



I dug though my bag in search for my keys. When I finally found them all the way buried at the bottom of my bag I started the car. Before I was able to pull out a teacher left the school and started walking towards my car. In a rush of panic and turned the car off and ducked down, out of sight.

Mr. Pratt, my history teacher, walked past my car and took a right over toward the faculty parking lot. Heaving a heavy sigh I sat up and did a quick survey of the area to make sure no one was around. When the coast was clear I started the car and pulled out.

I just drove down the street till I got to town. I had no idea where we were meeting at. I pulled out my phone and hit redial. "Hello Alyssa."

"Hey so where were we going to meet, I'm in town now."

"Ok well I am at this park-"

"West Ashley Park," I cut in and took a right toward the park

"I think..." He sounded very unsure. I let out a laugh and sighed.

"Is there a huge rock wall?"


"Ok them you are at West Ashley Park. I'll be there in five minutes." And with that I hung up, throwing my phone down onto the seat. I haven't been to that park in a long time; every since my mom died I never wanted to go back. I would rather drive the extra half hour to the other park to take Kyle to, there were too many memories at West Ashley Park.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now