29~ Alyssa- Broken

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My heart broke with every step he took away from me, "Jayden don't leave, I'm sorry. I don't want him, I want you." I yelled to him hoping he would stop but he didn't. I ran after him and when he got in his car and started driving off I stopped and yelled my honest feelings for him "Jayden please I love you." The car stopped driving and I thought he was going to come back but Jayden drove off.

I slumped onto the gravel driveway and curled into a ball. I just cried, there was nothing else I could do. Jayden was pissed off and there was no way to bring him back. I don't know how long I laid there crying my heart out but I ended up falling asleep. I awoke by someone picking me up and carrying me into the house.

The person, guy, brought me up the stairs and laid me down on Jayden's bed, I looked up as they walked out of the room, it was Mark. He walked out and closed the door behind him. I grabbed Jayden's pillow and hugged it to my chest as I cried myself to sleep again.


I woke up around eleven-thirty, the house was eerily silent. Slowly I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom, my make-up was smeared and my eyes were all red and puffy. I looked like shit with my hair all over the place, sticking up in a mess. My clothes were all wrinkled. I slowly stripped out of my outfit and took a long, hot shower.

When I got out I dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose fitting black shirt. I brought my hair up in a messy ponytail and then go to work packing my back. After all my things were packed it was already one o'clock. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Jayden wasn't nowhere in the house, he never came home. I felt the tears resurface, I really hurt him. This was my entire fault. I should have never let Nate kiss me; I should have pushed him away. I sat in the living room watching TV; well I wasn't really watching it. The TV was on but I wasn't focusing on what was on. I stared into space as tears flowed down my face.

The clock read four o'clock when Jayden walked through the front door. I turned and saw him walked straight upstairs without even glancing at me. I wanted to go after him but I thought better of it, he needs space.

Jayden never came down until five and we were walking out the door and to his car. The car ride to the airport was silent, I finally stopped crying but Jayden still refused to talk to me. When we boarded the plane and it took off did I finally break the silence.

"Jayden," he stayed silent and looked to the front of the plane. I tried again, "Jay?" I whispered and looked down.

Nothing, I reached out and softly took his hand. He didn't pull away, just stayed as he was.

"Jayden please talk to me." I pleaded and he pulled his hand away from me, put his head phones in and blasted his music. The rest of the plane ride was in silence and with a few escaped tears. The only thing I can do is give him space and hopefully we can then talk about this.


NOTE: Yes I know short but oh well. I dont want her POV to go on too long and ruin Jayden's POV which I'm typing out right now. Please Comment and Vote!!! 

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now