25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold Part 2

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Part 2 (I didn't get to add this part to chapter 25 because I never had time to type it out)



"Ok now you can take off the blind fold."

"Thank god," in a rush I ripped off the blind fold and gasped. Jayden walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his chin on my shoulder, "Oh my god Jayden!" I exclaimed breaking free of his embrace and running to the edge of the cliff.

The view was over whelming, beautiful, and breath taking, As the sun started to set in the distance I over looked Los Angeles, the bright lights now turning on all over the city, lighting it up for the night to come. There was the lake tot he right and the mountains in the landscape over to my left, the great big sign spelling out 'Hollywood' right in front of me.

I swiveled around and gaped at a smirking Jayden leaning against the hood of his car. I ran full speed at him, he stood up and embraced me and I ran into his awaiting arms. Jumping into the air Jay caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding him closely. I felt the vibrations in Jayden's chest as he laughed; I lifted my head from his chest and crashed my lips to his roughly. Breaking the kiss i smiled down at him, "Oh my god Jayden I can't believe you brought me here."

"Well you hate the cold so I thought a great present would be to bring you to a warm place, the place I lived for a year." I couldn't control my excitement; I gave him one last deep kiss before removing myself from him and walking back to the edge and looked out over the landscape. Jayden walked up behind me and placed his hands around my body and laid them over my stomach, pulling me into his chest. We just stood there for what felt like forever, just starting out at the area as the sun set in the horizon; me resting on Jay's chest as he rested his head in the crook of my neck.

The sound of Jayden's phone ringing brought me back to earth. He brought one hand away and pulled out his phone. He hesitated, debating if he should answer it or not. Finally I sighed, "Answer it." I said. 

"Ok," Jayden answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hey there love birds, how's it going?" Brandon's cheerful voice echoed.

"Did you get there ok?" Seth's worried voice sounded out.

"Have you found any hotter guys A?" Derek's stern tone asked, but we could all hear that he was just joking. 

"Oh your very funny Derek, no I found no hotter guys...yet." I saw a jay scowl down at me making me laugh. "But we got here fine Seth except I hated being blind folded. And Brandon everything is good, he took me the Hollywood sign thing." Everyone laughed at that comment.

"Oh that place is awesome; yeah we always went up there to get a little drunk after a long day." Brandon sounded even more excited if that was even possible, I swear he must have a problem no one can be that happy all the time.

"Oh really Brandon, I never knew you guys did that stuff." I turned around in Jayden's arms and faced him playfully glaring at him.

"Thanks man," Jayden answered back sourly. "Well we got to go now; I'll talk to you guys later." And with that Jayden hung up on them.  "Ok it's time to go now it's getting late and we have a reservation at my favorite place." Smiling brightly Jayden held my hand and dragged me back to his car. We hopped in and drove off down the road.

We rode in silence for about half and hour before we pulled up outside a some what huge house, it wasn't a mansion but it wasn't small either. The driveway was in a 'U' shape and in the center was a fountain; the grass was perfectly green, no yellow showing. The house was brick painted black, with a white door and screen door. The windows were all huge with black curtains blocking the inside view.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now