28- Critical Judgment~ Betrayed

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday like I said I would. I burned my finger on my right hand and it hurt very bad. I couldnt bend my finger or touch anything without it hurting really bad. But I took some advil and went to sleep and like every other time I get injuried I was fine the next morning. I never seem to get injuried, I am always better by the next morning no matter what I do, I have awesome healing powers =)

Also some peolpe are asking for a sequel, was never planning one writing one but if people want a sequel I do have a good idea for one. So let me know if you would like me to write a sequel? Here is what the sequel will be about: 'Rebel Love'

'Time has pasted since Alyssa and Jayden got married and started a family. All the old friends are still great friends and so are their kids. After Dani (Danielle) DeAvila gets sent away when her boyfriend turns up missing she returns back home two years later. Everything is back to normal, she hangs out with her friends and is sucked into a love trianle with her two best guys friends, Andy (Andrew) Walker and Hayden Martinez. But when she meets a new student, a rebel bad boy, she is sucked into getting to know him. He looks very familiar, like her old boyfriend. Would Dani fall for him or choose from her two guy friends?'

Let me know if I should qrite a sequel or not. Ok enough rambling, here is the next chapter so enjoy and




Not Edited!


~ Jayden~

(Please Read Author Note at top if you haven't read it! Thanks)

I stood and talked to my friends, Alyssa pushing closer to my side. After awhile I saw the figure of a guy standing by us and talking to Alyssa, she seemed a bit nervous to see this guy but they talked. I figured she would be fine for a bit so I left her side and walked over to the bathroom. When I returned to my friends Alyssa was gone, none of the guys knew where she went. I walked around for about half an hour, I looked upstairs, outside, and all over the dance floor. She was nowhere.

I walked over to the kitchen hoping she would be in here, this is the only place I didn't look in yet.  I should have never left her, now I am running around frantically looking for her. What if she was kidnapped? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left her get taken.

Picking up my pace I saw Alyssa's back, she was sitting next to some guy talking. I let out a big breath of air I didn't realize I was holding. The guy she was sitting with was Nate, that was Sam's best friend and I guess you can call him my friend. Nate is a pretty cool guy but not when he gets drunk, when he is drunk he does the stupidest things.

They seemed to be having a good conversation, like they know each other or something. As I walked closer I saw Nate leaning closer to her, Alyssa had her head facing down. Nate pulled away and Alyssa looked up to meet his gaze, letting out a giggle.

Nate leaned in again but not to whisper in her ear, he kissed her. But what hurt most was that Alyssa didn't hit him for kissing her, instead she kissed him back. I felt my heart break all over again ad I started marching over to them. How could Alyssa just do that, I guess players never change.

I grabbed Nate's shoulder and yanked him back. He stood up and started at me angrily, I never even glanced at Alyssa to see her reaction. I pulled my fist back and sent it right into Nate's face. Alyssa let out a scream and blood started gushing out of Nate's nose, it was probably broken.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now