36~ Critical Judgment- Fucked Up Situation

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Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think, you might hate me but oh well. This idea was planned from the beginning and was given to me by Lollipop32997 and don't be mad at her either I liked this idea, that's why I put it in the story :)

Not Edited!



Breaking the news to Alyssa was a bit scary knowing the type of person Alyssa gets when she is mad. So I ran off like a little girl; hopefully she can take her wrath out on one of her friends and not me. As I walked farther into the crowd girls started grinding up against me; I tried to get away from them but I was trapped.

When I made it to the other end finally I saw that I lost Alyssa; so, I walked along the open area back to the front to find her. But things don't go the way you'd hope, Stacey came from nowhere and right in my path.

Casually I tried to walk past but she reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me into her. To people that didn't know Stacey and didn't know that I was in love with Alyssa would think that Stacey and I are together and making out. "Hey Jayden," she purred and tried to place a kiss on my jaw.

I pulled back and removed her hands from my neck. "Stacey what the hell," I yelled but she seemed too busy raking her eyes up and down my body while she licked her lips. My guess is that she was trying to look seductive; which wasn't working.

"What I was hoping we could go back to normal before that slut came into the picture."

"Alyssa isn't a slut you are," I whispered yelled and slammed my fist against the wall by her head. I didn't want to cause a scene and then get in trouble.

"Oh really 'cause Alyssa has slept with more guys then I ever did; even your friends Brad and Liam. Ask them, she has slept with them plenty of times." Stacey smirked thinking that got to me; to be honest it hurt a little but all that was before we started dating.

"So that was her past and now she doesn't."

"You sure Jayden; has she even slept with you?" I stayed silent but that seemed to give her an idea. "She hasn't and you want to know why?" Stacey leaned in to whispering my ear, "Because she is sleeping with other guys so she doesn't need to sleep with you when she gets her pleasure in others."

"Shut up," I whispered; Stacey was lying just to get me mad. But a small part of my brain thought that maybe Stacey was right.

"Shut up Stacey you little bitch and get the fuck away from my boyfriend." A voice spat out in a cold, icy tone. I turned to see Alyssa standing there with her fists clenched and a pissed off expression on her face. "Stop filling his head with lies or do you need to learn a little lesson. I can mess up your face again and worse this time"

For the first time I looked at Stacey; I really looked. She was in a magenta strapless short dress that went to her mid-thighs and was very tight. The top was lined with jewels and the bottom was ruffled up into roses. But you could tell that Stacey coated her face in tons of make-up; if you looked close enough you could see the faded black and purple bruises on her nose.

Stacey hmphed angrily and walked off, I shook my head and turned to Alyssa opening my arms. She smiled and walked into my arms. I wrapped them tightly around her as she placed her head on my chest. "I would never believe tat girl Alyssa, you don't have to worry about that ever happening."

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now