Chapter Six

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Jack paced the waiting room.
"Sally's breaks were cuts" Ray announced.
"Mum she Sally she a fighter" Summer said seeing Phyllis in tears.
Jack put his arms around Phyllis.
"Can we see Sally?" Jack asked as Nick and Faith showed up.
" Only Jack and Phyllis for now" The doctor announced.
Flo show up.
"Tell me you didn't do this?" Summer asked.
"It was meant to scared Sally I'm sorry" Flo said.
Jack look at Flo.
"If Sally dont survived I will make you paid Miss Fulton" Jack snapped then went to see Sally.

Jack look at Sally who was now awake.
"Mine head" Sally whisper seeing Nick appeared
"You coming home with me when you discharged" Jack announced.
Sally's leg was broken and need a cast on for a least eight weeks.
"Yes dad" Sally whisper.

"It was stupid I didn't think but Sally is going to be fine" Flo announced.
"YOU CUT HER BREAKS" Jack screamed.
"WHAT" Nick cried then faced Flo.
"I calling the police" Jack announced.
"Good you could've killed Sally" Nick snapped.
"Please it was stupid I was angry" Flo sobbed.
Flo cried louder.

Sally was kissing Nick the following afternoon she was home from the hospital.
"You sure you won't press charges" Nick whisper.
"Hey I alright Flo use to getting her way" Sally whisper.
"I could have lost you before our relationship really started" Nick whisper.
"I am alright I am in love with you Nick" Sally whisper touching his check.
"I love you to Sally" Nick whisper.
Nick felt Sally unbutton his shirt.
Nick kissed Sally's neck unzip her dress.
Sally let the dress fall on the floor.
"You sure we can wait"Nick whisper.
Sally tooked Nick's hand and lead him to her bed.
Sally felt Nick lip on her neck as they lay down.
"So sexy" Nick whisper.
"Yes you are Nick Newman and you mine boyfriend" Sally whisper smiling.

Sally look at Nick after they made love twice.
"I could  lay here forever at least I know you safe" Nick whisper storking Sally's hair.
"I am tried do you want to stay" Sally whisper.
"I did make plan with Faith" Nick whisper.
"Go then she lucky to have you as a father" Sally said.
"I call Jack to watch you" Nick said.
"Fine between you and Jack I'm in good hands" Sally whisper.
Nick got out of bed and put his clothes on.

Phyllis watch as flo walked in to the hotel.
"Phyllis I am sorry about Sally but it was a joke Ray let me go with a warning.
"Touch mine daughter again you will paid" Phyllis snapped.
"What Sally the daughter you gave up and she trash even you bully her" Flo announced as Jack enter the hotel.
"I want a word MISS Fulton touch mine daughter again and you will serve years in jail" Jack snapped then smiled  at Phyllis.

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