Chapter Eight

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Sally was eating tea with Phyllis, Jack and Nick a month later.
"We got some news, Sally" Jack announced looking at his daughter.
"We getting married and I liked both mine daughters to be bridesmaids" Phyllis replied.
"Congratulations and I be honoured to be a bridesmaid thanks Mum" Sally announced then hugged her mother as Summer and Kyle walked in.
"Thanks Sally" Jack said.
"Hey what going on" Summer asked.
"Mum and Dad are getting married" Sally announced smiling.
Phyllis stared at Sally and felt happy Sally called her Mum.
"I can called you Mum cant I" Sally asked.
"Honey only if it feel confrontable to you no pressure" Phyllis replied.
Nick took Sally's hand.
Phyllis was glad Nick and Sally were going strong she was happy for them.

Nick handed Sally a bowl of chocolate icecream after they got back to Sally.
" Summer ate the last of the icecream last night" Sally replied.
"I got her to buy your more this afternoon she come home with two tubs" Nick replied.
"You didn't tell her I'm pregnant?" Sally asked.
"We agree not to say anything until three months so NO I didn't say anything" Nick replied.
"I almost told Mum and Dad tonight I'm pregnant I hope they happy for us" Sally whisper.
"Their daughter pregnant ofcouse they be happy for us" Nick whisper.
Sally smiled at Nick.
"I'm happy you make me happy Nick Newman" Sally whisper.
" I love you Sally" Nick replied then kissed her softly.
"I love you to Nick" Sally confess looking at Nick.

Sally felt Nick lips on her neck the following morning as she woke up.
"Morning baby" Nick whisper.
Sally kissed Nick lovingly as they heard the doorbell ring.
"Sally Dad" Summer yelled.
"We need to let her in" Sally whisper then got out of bed and grabbed her robe.
"Later Spentra" Nick whisper.
"I promised Summer we have breakfast I make it up to you Nick" Sally whisper.
Nick kissed Sally lovingly.
"I love you Sally  have fun  planing Jack and Phyllis wedding I called you later" Nick whisper.
"I love you to Nick" Sally whisper.

"So how thing with you and mine Dad going Sally?" Summer asked.
"Great I am glad you okay with Nick and I dating" Sally replied.
"Hey you both adults and you are good for Dad" Summer replied as Flo enter the coffee shop.
"Spertca I be trying to get in contact with you all night I'm pregnant with Wyatt's baby " Flo announced.
"That just rubbing it in you can have Wyatt I don't care " Sally announced.
"I heard you dating Nick how long until he dump you for HIS ex" Flo teased then shove Sally into a table as Nick walked in.
"Hey DONT touch mine girlfriend" Nick replied angrily stand in front of Sally.
Sally smiled.
"Dont protect Sally she held me hostage remember Nick you deserve better then a FREAK" Flo announced.
"You kidnapped a baby ànd LIED for months DONT played the I am so innocent role FLO come on Sally" Nick snapped then Sally and Nick left.

"Nick right you always judging Sally when you far from perfect" Phyllis announced.
"I get you wanted to protect Sally but she a USER" Flo announced.
"Dont TOUCH mine daughter again or eles you be sorry" Phyllis replied

"We should get a doctor to check you out" Nick replied.
"I am fine Flo didn't push me hard stop worried" Sally whisper.
"I can worried you mine girlfriend Sally and I love you" Nick replied.
"Okay I get cheak out" Sally replied.

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